I guess i'll post some of my opinions..
Not being able to see the scoreboard by tab and having to go back to the f1 menu for occupations seemed draggy(for lack of a better word at this time)
I do though appreciate the new tab interface but maybe bind to a different key?
I was thinking maybe you could create a scoreboard on tab with the same old stuff but with a menu on the right or underneath that allowed you to view your current flags and/or choose a new position/occupation..
Fix the lua error when adding flags to people from the console (printmessage=nil)
Get rid of some DarkRP remnants i saw... like the storing of data in a subfolder named dark rp.. the lua error when initializing the server that called for a script from dark rp (couldn't call darkrp commandname etc)
I think this has a lot of good ideas and just needs to be fixed up and refined.. maybe make new features available like a plugin that isn't required so different servers can have different ways of playing with the eez of a plugin.
I'm not sure if half of this makes since as I feel incapacitated, but I want to say that I give your gamemode a thumbs up

EDIT: I also thought of the tab interface.. maybe put the functions on left click? or what were you planning for left click :O? mk I hope you don't take my post as negative criticism cause it wasn't meant that way..
bai now ;x