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Messages - Mathdebater™

Pages: [1]
Community Admin Apps / Re: Kräsher's Admin Application.
« on: March 12, 2010, 05:26:10 AM »
Thats a 10 on the lol scale


Artwork/Graphics / Re: The New Forum Signature/Spray/Avatar Board
« on: March 11, 2010, 05:43:29 PM »
Name: MathDebater™
Size: Not to big, not to small lol
Font: anything that looks cool
Font Colour: Green, Yellow and black?

Community Admin Apps / Re: Kräsher's Admin Application.
« on: March 11, 2010, 05:30:42 PM »
This is a BAD ASS app anyone who doesn't agree, go die in a hole ;). +1

Approved Respected Apps / Re: Steam Group
« on: March 10, 2010, 07:20:02 PM »
k thanks

Approved Respected Apps / Steam Group
« on: March 10, 2010, 02:54:55 PM »
Umm i heard about a steam group and i was wondering if i can get a invite, i got accepted to be respected yesterday so can someone invite me?

k thx

mathdebater™ :)

« on: March 09, 2010, 05:54:24 PM »
(ME) Dude lets go play some street hockey outside: (friend) Man come on it looks like God took a shit outiside look at all that brown snow: (me) awwww

Approved Respected Apps / Re: Hey, My name is Mathdebater™
« on: March 09, 2010, 05:23:24 PM »
haha that was for lols i almost like  never do that unless im superrrrrr bored :P ;)

Approved Respected Apps / Hey, My name is Mathdebater™
« on: March 09, 2010, 04:42:54 PM »
Hey guys so ever since i got gmod, all i have been playing on is RND servers. I really like RND servers and i play on them probably everyday starting from the past month or so.

Name Origins: I don't masturbate if that's what u think haha. But my name comes from my bro, him and his friends had a math fair thing at school and they needed a name for there group so i helped out and said MathDebater's so they stuck to it and won the math fair and now i use it for usernames :P.

Time On RND servers: I am most likely on everyday playing zombie survival, Trouble in terrorist town or sledbuild sometimes. I come on at 4:00 central and stay on till usual 10:00 central time/ -6 GMT.

In game name: If u guys ever find me in game my name is MathDebater™ you will probably see me playing Trouble in Terrorist town or Zombie survival, every once in a while i will play sled build if i don't want to be zombie haha.

Real Name: Philip. One L not two i hate when people spell my name with two L's :P.

Steam ID: Mathdebater484. Add it up :P.

Age: 14

Education: I'm in grade 8 and i enjoy math and science but my teacher sucks.

Games: I like to play GMOD, CS:S, CS 1.6, and TF2.

About me/hobbies: Well i live in Canada :). I play soccer on a team, like to hang out with friends, and play video games. I'm Portuguese. I have a cat named Morango (it means Strawberry in Portuguese) we named it strawberry because we got it from a strawberry patch.
And yeah that's about it for me oh and RND RUBEN if your reading this just remember i avenged you in that TTT match haha. :)

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