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Messages - gvazdas

Pages: [1] 2 ... 4

Wow, then we all should be.
Random has cracked servers.

General Chat / Re: RND's Quotes (updated reguaraly)
« on: February 20, 2010, 09:39:02 AM »
"Hey you stole my bawm headshawt!"

I have a pirated non-steam version, and I don't have a cd key and plus I use a crack, so it's pretty shitty.
I wanna play with people, but you see that there is no people on hamachi servers.
Is anyone here playing avp1/avp2 but not avp3? Avp3 lags for me because my graphics card is still lame.
I would play avp1/avp2 until I get it upgraded, and then play avp3 with youy guys.

General Chat / Re: Virtually ban someone above you
« on: February 16, 2010, 12:24:43 AM »
banned for being personal cake

Funny Stuffz / Re: Hold the x button for as long as you cant breath
« on: February 16, 2010, 12:23:28 AM »

Funny Stuffz / Re: I AM THE OWNAGE
« on: February 16, 2010, 12:22:32 AM »
frank, you sux. I killdzored 7 innocenthaxorz and I still pwn! lolollololol
I killed a few guyz with mah best friend silenced pistol and they didnt even touch me haha lol nubcakez!

Funny Stuffz / Re: Operation - USSR Fuckover
« on: February 16, 2010, 12:20:52 AM »
yeah, dose shitheadz needz zome ice cold banz to have some mommy cry kthxbai.

Boneyard / Re: WTF Ghast Dagger
« on: February 16, 2010, 12:16:00 AM »
Yeah, ghast is an idiot.
He went into Wire/Phx server, I built a secret base in a secret area of wireconstruct, and that asshole kept teleporting into my base and spamming shit and crashing the server! Please ban him.

General Chat / Re: Virtually ban someone above you
« on: February 15, 2010, 03:30:36 AM »
Reason: Haxor

Community Admin Apps / Re: SeDuCTiVe For The Administrative Team? o,o
« on: February 15, 2010, 01:26:53 AM »
Holy shitz i givez you +1000 but i cantz so i will givez you +1.

Boneyard / Wire/phx build BAD PASSWORD?!
« on: February 14, 2010, 07:12:29 AM »
What the hell? as soon as i join Wire/phx build server ( )
it says Bad Password. I press nothing, click nothing as soon as i connect it says bad password. What The Fudge?!

Boneyard / Lucien Lachance,Big Brother,Gnkiler
« on: February 14, 2010, 06:11:26 AM »
A few more idiots that are spamming

# 26 "Lucien Lachance" STEAM_0:0:25376312  1:29:00 278 0 active
# 27 "Big Brother" STEAM_0:0:17532123  1:28:50 145 0 active
# 35 "Gnkiler" STEAM_0:1:29662410 25:40 243 0 active

Lucien is also calling me an idiot.

Gnkiler's props have been cleaned up
Lucien Lachance: of the part where you shouted crap, its on the forum as we speak through photobucket
] kill
(LT)edwinux591(ENG) suicided!
Big Brother: Thats cool
(LT)edwinux591(ENG) was killed by worldspawn
Warning: killicon not found 'worldspawn'
Big Brother: Nobody cares
Race [#268] Started.
Lucien Lachance was killed by gmod_wheel
Lucien Lachance was killed by gmod_wheel
Lucien Lachance was killed by gmod_wheel
(LT)edwinux591(ENG): idiot... you have no manners and dont listen to the rules
(LT)edwinux591(ENG) was killed by gmod_wheel
Lucien Lachance: i do have manners, and yeh i listed to the rulesd
*DEAD* (LT)edwinux591(ENG): you must respect respected
] screenshot
Player Pastafarian has joined the game
Big Brother: Your a big stinky face black man nigger head
Lucien Lachance: i only respect people who respect others, you had no respect, so you got none
Player Pastafarian has joined the game
(LT)edwinux591(ENG): i just said stop doing shit because its useless
(LT)edwinux591(ENG): you are supposed to build sleds, not spam shit
Lucien Lachance: you said, you didnt ask
(LT)edwinux591(ENG): oh so i have to be nice to minges too now?
Lucien Lachance: basically yeh
Player Pastafarian has joined the game
Lucien Lachance: do onto others as you would have them do onto you
[Sledbuild] Pastafarian finished joining the server.
Race [#269] Started.
Player MNSMNS has joined the game
Pastafarian was killed by gmod_wheel
(LT)edwinux591(ENG) was killed by gmod_wheel
Pastafarian was killed by gmod_wheel

Some Proof:

Forum/Website Suggestions / Re: Limit On Applications
« on: February 14, 2010, 12:45:36 AM »
Good idea.
+1, lolz.

Boneyard / Re: Edwin is abusing
« on: February 14, 2010, 12:43:33 AM »
Lol abuse fail did i say fail?i repeat abuse
That's what you mean.
By saying that, you will get me banned, lol.

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