H1 again. I've been playing on some RANDOM servers last year, mostly on the build server. Minic might remember me, last year I was asking him to teach me writing exp2

At the mean time I play on the RANDOM build server only, maybe will play on others too

I like wiremod very much, sometimes I build really cool things, but have no right to use adv dupe to save it.

Other games I play (sometimes):
Left 4 dead; TF2; Assassin's Creed; [ PROTOTYPE ]; GTA IV; GTA SA-MP; Crysis.
P.S. I used to make scripts for GTA SA, and little bit for GTA IV, you can see my videos on youtube, my nickname there is Micr0ch1p. (wanted to be FLEXO but... u know... youtube is very popular...)
Im 16 years old. I used to live in Georgia (the country near Russia), then in Russia, and right now I'm almost citizen of America, living in NYC.
My nickname is FLEXO everywhere except on youtube and email.