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Messages - (loud

Pages: [1] 2
Community Admin Apps / Re: Sanders Admin Application
« on: June 09, 2010, 08:05:35 PM »
Las Vegas Nevada huh..? ok you'll get my vote IF and only IF.. you answer this question. Do you like Inn-n-Out?

Funny Stuffz / New Computer Incoming!
« on: January 13, 2010, 08:48:13 PM »
Okay so I'm getting a new computer and i'ma plug it into this 48" flatscreen i got in mah room. So anyways i'm complete noob about computers and usually my bro customizes the computer up for me to make it good. But I have decided to not listen to my bitch ass bro this time cuz I'm the one with the $ and i thought i'd just make it myself. So I go to and I start building a computer from scratch. First of all I start with the case. I hav decided to get this badass lookin one that is black and will hav lights shine blue/yellow ----> colors of my brothers fraternity coincedently, color of the Alliance colors go WoW!! but it's outta my life now : /, and colors of my High School. Ok time to get to duh parts so since i so pro with comps I decided to start off by getting the most important pieces. Of course as you all know what makes a computer are the.. fans. So the case itself has seven.. that's right 77seven77777seven7 sockets to place fans. No wonder I picked this case right? So anyways Each of these fans are like 50$ each and that's money well spent! The computer can practicly levitate now with all these babies going on at once hehe... Anyways time to get to the other pieces. Okay so for the graphics card I chose what is best for me preferences. I mean i dunno bout u guys but when it takes a average tube video window size to render a booby at 6 seconds tops i think it's good enuff. Okay now for the other parts. <lol i don't even know what other parts are in a computer> Hmmm OH YEAH disc trays muahahaha I ordered 5 disc tray thingies to fill up all the slots in the case!!! So now I can store my pr0n CDs at ease without hassle. This I think finishes up what makes a computer so here is the price total:

Case: $800
Fans (7): $560
Disc Trays (5): $200
Green & Yellow Lights: $999

In total....                okay so... 999 plus 200.. lets see that equals 1400 i think.. then 1400 plus the 7 fans equals... 2200... plus the case and disc trays uhhhhhhh.... i think it adds to about nine thousand dollars.. probably over that.

Well post your opinions if you think this is a good idea. Thank you for your honest advice.

Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: FloodMod [Server Suggestions]
« on: January 12, 2010, 04:31:27 PM »
Flood is fun so here are a few suggestions that would make it more entertaining <in my perspective>:

- Allow PVP, Pistol would do like 2-5 damage, SMGs would do 5-8, Crossbows would do 10ish.. that sorta thing. To ease the reliance and in my opinion tedious work of having to sink someones boat to win the health points of props should be lowered. Soda Pop Machines should have like 300ish, Soda Pop Machine Lids should have like 200ish.. that sorta thing.
*RPGs should either hit props for 30-50 and burn randomely for 30-50 or so.. I dunno about this or RPG should just be removed because I dunno how much it should hit a player.
*Players have the usual 100 hp.

-Be able to create teams to be able to do team chat and plan things. Also to disallow others from getting on your boat. If a player is on someones boat and is not in their team then they should be damaged a significant amount like 10 damage per second to disallow bumming a free ride. <----- Due to this new players have no money to make a boat so I dunno how that will be handled without joining someones team.

Yeah these are some big changes but I love PVP and I'd be hooked on Flood if this change were be implemented. But this isn't all about me of course =P.

Approved Respected Apps / Re: Hi everybody
« on: September 04, 2009, 08:50:55 PM »


Approved Respected Apps / Re: the intro of Tallman
« on: September 04, 2009, 08:49:11 PM »
Well at least you posted something lol.



Approved Respected Apps / Re: Hello's folks!
« on: September 04, 2009, 08:37:03 PM »


Approved Respected Apps / Re: new member niinjaboi
« on: September 01, 2009, 06:35:21 PM »


Approved Respected Apps / Re: Izak's intro
« on: September 01, 2009, 12:29:13 PM »


Approved Respected Apps / Re: Greetings from oddworld
« on: August 31, 2009, 03:57:01 PM »


Approved Respected Apps / Re: i would like to be respected xD
« on: August 24, 2009, 03:24:39 PM »
accepted  :-X


Approved Respected Apps / Re: Respect Yo!
« on: August 24, 2009, 03:18:51 PM »


Approved Respected Apps / Re: New Member
« on: August 22, 2009, 03:15:34 PM »
accepted  :-\


Approved Respected Apps / Re: New Member
« on: August 22, 2009, 02:54:54 PM »
need moar info


Approved Respected Apps / Re: bonjour
« on: August 22, 2009, 01:32:41 PM »
minge? denied


Approved Respected Apps / Re: i want be respected!
« on: August 22, 2009, 01:11:30 PM »
accepted  8)

- cloud

Pages: [1] 2