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Messages - ronny

Pages: [1] 2
now where is my s&h costs eh pay up zach

Nice work.

Zombie Survival Server / Re: Is it just me?
« on: June 29, 2010, 10:17:57 AM »
Yeah the servers are just offline I believe. Hopefully they are fixing the problem.

Boneyard / Re: I think my Steam Account is hacked.
« on: June 29, 2010, 09:54:24 AM »

Community Admin Apps / Re: Krashεr's Admin Application.
« on: June 29, 2010, 09:47:59 AM »
ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!
not yet

General Chat / Re: Hey wait a minute :(
« on: June 28, 2010, 08:54:55 PM »
Oh psssh cheer up :3

I gave u a +1 trinity because you're always there for us with your teal size 16 font :3


Original quote lol.

General Chat / Re: Hey wait a minute :(
« on: June 28, 2010, 08:39:23 PM »
if someone can be bothered just to click smite to see someone have a -1 then who should care? I stopped caring when i realized this. They prob haters who hate everyone like other haters
I agree.

General Chat / Re: Hey wait a minute :(
« on: June 28, 2010, 08:25:59 PM »
Lol, don't take it so personally. Look at mine and BH's karma.

Cheer for you too then.

General Chat / Re: Hey wait a minute :(
« on: June 28, 2010, 08:12:52 PM »

Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: Zombie Survival Map Unjoinable
« on: June 22, 2010, 07:29:52 PM »
Yeah, Meet me in the random chat.

Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: Zombie Survival Map Unjoinable
« on: June 22, 2010, 07:26:40 PM »
Don't feel bad i didn't know either...

Lol, We all didn't see that coming did we. We just wanted to try a new map for once.

Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: Zombie Survival Map Unjoinable
« on: June 22, 2010, 07:19:16 PM »
No one can play this map. Haven't you noticed that when that map is on noone is in the server?

I've never noticed that. Normaly there are always people in there when I look.

Server Requests/Suggestions / Zombie Survival Map Unjoinable
« on: June 22, 2010, 07:16:46 PM »

When you download this map, It will tell you that yours differs from the one on the server. So I tried deleting it, Restarting GMOD and rejoining, It redownloaded it but said the same thing. I checked the server population and it was 0 for a while so I'm guessing I'm not the only one.

Edit: Also, It's happening currently, Could the server be restarted please?


Games / Re: New flash game
« on: June 22, 2010, 11:51:26 AM »
You got me lol, I had a feeling it might be it but I did it anyways. Now I gotta change.

Community News & Announcements / Re: Servers are down?
« on: June 22, 2010, 11:45:58 AM »
Thanks for the info.

Community News & Announcements / Servers are down?
« on: June 22, 2010, 11:44:06 AM »
I got on today to play some zombie survival but it seems all the random servers are down.

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