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Messages - DannyDoss

Pages: [1]
Approved Respected Apps / Introduction - Danny Doss
« on: June 11, 2010, 07:59:15 AM »
What I like to do in GMod: I love to wire build but don't use random for that. I love to E2 and dont use random for that either. Love to play on TTT, Prophunt, Flood.
My Name: A nickname my friends came up with.
Time On: Pretty often going to decrease in summer cause ill be at my dad's riding my dirtbike.

Name: Danny Doss
Favourite subject(s): The one i dont have to take
Education: 9th grade math in some subjects(no trig yet cuz im a lazy bastard), basics in source sdk, some shiz in c++, Elementary GIMPSHOP stufzz, LoGiC!, and ofc the imagination to build smth.
Location: Iowa
How to contact me: Steam: Add STEAM_0:0:20730895

Boneyard / Re: Ban Request - Gohan - Malice RDM
« on: June 09, 2010, 08:47:18 AM »
Now he says hes gonna make up reasons to ban me and a demo of it.

Boneyard / Ban Request - Gohan - Malice RDM
« on: June 09, 2010, 08:01:28 AM »
SteamID: # 1000 "Gohan" STEAM_0:0:17912870 57:37 133 0 active
Name: Gohan
Information: RDMing me for like 5 rounds one round he killed every innocent and he was innocent himself
Server: TTT
Details: RDM
Witnesses: Boneless Skeleton
When: June 9th 2010 9am

PS: He says you wont ban him since hes been there for so long blah blah blah. And I got 2 videos just for extra proof.

Approved Respected Apps / Re: Why hello thr
« on: June 08, 2010, 04:09:08 PM »
I love deathward hes a great person overall hope he get respected!  ;)

Boneyard / Ban Request - Mywordz
« on: June 05, 2010, 08:38:48 AM »
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:19570452
Name: Mywordz
Information: He rdmed me for having a crowbar out and detective
Server: TTT
Video: None i have console proff
Details: ^^^^^^
Witnesses: Kataklysmic_Killa
When: 10:30 AM Central June 5th 2010

Console proof:
*DEAD* (TEAM) Mywordz: dont carry a crowbar when u have a gun
I said over mic, So you killed me and detective for having a crowbar out??
*DEAD* (TEAM) Mywordz: yes.

Tyvm for taking time to look at this request

Boneyard / Re: Multiple bans needed
« on: June 04, 2010, 08:01:55 PM »
SteamID:# 443 "{Tsu-Deadpool}" STEAM_0:0:23874575 59:00 176 0 active
# 447 "GrinningGoblin" STEAM_0:0:8323909 48:16 148 0 active
# 475 "TwG | mooner" STEAM_0:1:29452382 07:30 113 0 active
# 424 "DeathWard" STEAM_0:0:20112571  1:40:20 218 0 active
# 468 "Killa_Krat" STEAM_0:0:32868596 20:24 103 0 active
# 464 "The Cracker Stalker" STEAM_0:0:22398213 27:41 222 0 active
Information: All these people were RDMing Arctic for nothing, and actually caused him to cry.  I told everyone to knock it off or face consequences.  Cyberbulling is not tolerated anywhere in my beliefs, and they were making some pretty bad threats.
Server: TTT 16 man server
Details: I was being RDM'd for defending Arctic, Alan.vv1 was involved in the bullying/rdming. 
Witnesses: Me, Arctic
When: 5:50 PM EST

Deathward and Killa had nothing to do with it holy shit dude ur just reporting these 2 to get them in trouble

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