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Messages - ray10xxx

Pages: [1] 2
maby you could try yourself to fix these in stead of asking others to waste there time with your lame suggestions. when you have made the fixs, post em on. if you dont know how to make any thing, then stfu and think that even if you knew how to do this sort of stuff would you take the time to fix it all. other that that i think that a zombine would be nice to have as a wave 10 sort of thing :D

Boneyard / flood ban request for sgtomike and sgtomike28
« on: July 23, 2010, 08:43:48 PM »
steam id: in the status pic.
steam name: sgtomike     and      sgtomike28
info: constant prop pushing. busting peoples boats and knoking me off the tower on rnd flood map.
server: flood.

details:constant prop pushing. busting peoples boats and knoking me off the tower on rnd flood map.
witness: kodial987 and raymond
date: its in nz time but its the best i can do :D     "7/24/2010          3:04 pm"

Boneyard / Re: banned on flood mod. REQUESTING UNBAN !!!help!!!
« on: July 20, 2010, 09:16:22 PM »
hi thanks guys, im now not banned and will start playing :D

Boneyard / Re: banned on flood mod. REQUESTING UNBAN !!!help!!!
« on: July 20, 2010, 12:52:35 PM »
Lazy people

:D     am i getting unbanned anytime soon.

Boneyard / Re: banned on flood mod. REQUESTING UNBAN !!!help!!!
« on: July 20, 2010, 03:04:40 AM »

Boneyard / Re: banned on flood mod. REQUESTING UNBAN !!!help!!!
« on: July 19, 2010, 10:26:07 PM »
thnak you. i dont see the point in changing your name over and over and over. whasthe actual point.

Boneyard / Re: banned on flood mod. REQUESTING UNBAN !!!help!!!
« on: July 19, 2010, 03:01:35 AM »
so am i unbanned??

Boneyard / Re: banned on flood mod. REQUESTING UNBAN !!!help!!!
« on: July 18, 2010, 11:44:54 PM »
still not unbanned :(

my id is "Raymond" STEAM_0:1:15056948

Boneyard / Re: HATE MOO?
« on: July 17, 2010, 07:08:47 PM »
there should be a "never met him but still hate him" option

Boneyard / Re: Reporting/warning of MW2 Traitor
« on: July 17, 2010, 03:25:09 AM »
hes used hacks and almost cryed coz i told him im banning him (lies)

Boneyard / unbanned :D
« on: July 17, 2010, 03:16:26 AM »

i was on flood mod for less than 6 seconds, noticed that there was a hacker changing his name. magic was also on, and i was banned. was this because he typed in my name to be banned attempting to bann the other, or was i doing something wrong. please unban me.

my id is "Raymond" STEAM_0:1:15056948 02:12 140 0 active        not used to posting images

this was my first time on rnd flood mod ever, and this is the first time iv ever met magic

Boneyard / map glitching with lovesmalinois and muffin.
« on: July 16, 2010, 07:39:10 PM »
on the map "aeolus" the map that crash's alot. loves was out side of the map, i dont know wheather its in the rules but i dont think you can prop ladder to places where even fast zombies cant get to. i just want to report these people BUT really i just want to know if its in the rules to not do things like this. what they do is get a shelf prop and put it behind the train and another on the corner of the wall nd jump to the glitch/out of map area. i know it was loves who did this because he has attempted this befor. i would like to know wheather you can do this because i want to do it but im not to shore if i can.

i seem to not be able to put in images

i dont want em banned or talked to. i just want to know hweather its possible to do this with out getting in trouble.


Welcome to RND mate!

apart from tomcats suiciding moments. :D.

Information and Forum Info / Re: .:~`=-rANdOm-=`~:. Facebook
« on: July 15, 2010, 05:10:08 PM »
joined, im raymond on the freinds if ya want to add meh

General Chat / Re: Issues with Zombie Survival.
« on: July 15, 2010, 05:01:33 PM »
Rage quit like myppl8 does very time you become zombie and blame it on lagg or somthing.

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