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Messages - Machinen

Pages: [1]
Approved Respected Apps / Re: Greetings from Machinen!
« on: May 08, 2010, 06:25:15 PM »
i do agree on first look it does look like im a nazi, but the 12thSS was a german ww2 hero remeberance clan, as we did only the name to remeber all of the poor little kids who died in berlin, fighting, which their unit was the 12th SS, or known as the Hitler-Jugen.
Machinen = machine in german. i truely dispise fascism, but i hate to not let the horrors of soldier children go without tribue to those who were lost.

Approved Respected Apps / Greetings from Machinen!
« on: May 08, 2010, 02:59:41 PM »
Well, i'm sure that only a few know about me, as i was once playing on the RND servers alot. im now back from a break from school and i know that sleeper hasn't been on steam in a month or 2...

Anyways, i'm Machinen (used to be mAdC Shultz Machinen [12thSS] if you remember my old name) and im a guy with a very unique accent... if you've heard my voice on my mic. my favorite bands is a tie between 5 finger death punch and Rammstein, of course  :D.  some times, i also go by the name Jim Silver if you ever see me. IRL i'm a decent marks man and can hit most things with a rifle but i do such with clay pigeon shooting. I'm also a kind person whose known to make the "Sardine" boats on flood, or giving some noob some pointers from what i know on what guns to get so they dont end up wasting their money...

i'm a friendly guy, as i don't care if your gray, blue, green, short or tall. i can respect anyone whose willing to help others as so do i  ;). i do make some machinimas, as i do have 1 i am proud of that i made. i do have some experience on computers , not form over time use, but from training and i like to help people alot, as for instance i worked down at the homeless shelter last night with the boy scouts  :).

Honestly, Ill become a respected if you think im worthy or not.

If you want to add me to steam as friends, its: HitlerOwns

I have alot of games, like for instance, Fallout 3, Bioshock 2, Bioshock 1, AA3, GTA IV, GTA sanandreas and L4d2 installed currently, while i can get others. i do think that we should have the song "Im on a boat" by the lonely island playing on flood, its just so fitting!

Anyways,  i'm a good guy and i'm here to have fun!  :)

/EDIT: changed Fum to fun and added a bit more info about me, and took out unnecessary things.

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