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Topics - CharlesBryan

Pages: [1]
Approved Respected Apps / CharlesBryan's Application :)
« on: March 21, 2010, 09:27:24 AM »
Name: Charles Bryan M. Alicaya

Origin of Real Name: My Mom thought of all this "equation":



All means Strong Man. So that's what she said ;D :D
Very Cheesy ain't it? :)

Username: CharlesBryan

Origin: First Name

Reason: Boringness and lack of creativity to choose what is best suited. :-\

School: La Salle Green Hills, Metro Manila, Philippines

Attainment: Second Honor's (Top 1 in Class)

Attitude: Braggy in real world, Humble in PC World (Seriously). SUPER ADDICTED to Computer, (e.g. after getting home, open the laptop, research for my assignments, follow up games if I have time, sleep)

I want to become respected :) Hope I've done enough.!

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