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Topics - Psychedelic

Pages: [1]
Lets see.. Where should I start.. Well I could start by giving simple information first about me, and basically share more information.

Username In-Game : "Psychedelic-!", "Luftwaffe Unteroffizier"
Username : "Psychedelic"
Steam Username : "Skaterulz5959"
Age : 16
Location : Middle East, Saudi Arabia.
Skills/Interests : Photoshopping, Basic LUA, running a server, WW2.
Sex : Male

Why do I want to join this clan/community :
To be honest I don't know.. I've been in two clans already And I'm going to try this. Because it seems like a good organized/structured clan and I think the servers are great and worked hard on. And I'm gonna help in keeping the servers safe in times when theres no admins on because of my time zone I guess.

About me :
I've been in two other clans before Defenders of Democracy (DD) and Red Axis (RA) but now I'm alone for obvious reasons, don't worry I have quitted both clans not have been kicked for being immature or violating the laws or anything, I quitted becuase simply they weren't what I expected. But now I hope this clan is better.

-Origin Of Name : I used Skaterboy as a username before when I was 11 years old, but after 13 I kept using Psychedelic. I use  the username Skater to remember the good old times in some sites. Anyway the origin of the name comes from my childhood.. I've had the quite of a dark childhood of.. Being different, religion, suicide attempts.. etc
I'm not going into details about my dark childhood but anyway. I used Psychedelic songs to relief me.. It made me lose the thinking of the world, and worrying.

-Times On : Random. (Sometimes I get trouble in sleeping, staying up etc.)

-Random Stuff : I've got an Xbox 360, I use a laptop for my gaming, and Have a sad life because my Religion that I'm forced on, I have hacked before in the past in these games : (CSS, TF2).

-Games :

I've played all of valve's games from.. TFC/HL1/Opposing Force, to L4D2/Garry's Mod and other FPS's like Quake, Doom etc.

-Friends : I've got lots of friends I'm pretty friendly and funny with my sarcasm and dark humor.

I don't know what to add too.. But thats all I've got for now. If you would like more specific information about me, then please ask.

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