Approved Respected Apps / WAZZAP! Teh Sgt.Wafflez Wants to joinzorz :D
« on: March 07, 2010, 01:55:14 AM »
well my steam name usally is Sgt.Wafflez and i play alot of different things and i reacently found your terrortown server and i love it the only thing i dont play is sandbox (i suck/dont have the patience to build anything
i dont have a specific time i usally log on its random sometimes ill be on for hours straight sometimes ill disappear (
and btw me4488 i talked to about joining, hes very posative about it)
an intreasting thing about me is that i repeat old meme's (DO A BARREL ROLL, its over 9000!, and lots of TF2 memes XP) andand on terrortown dont claim me rdm'ing btw im just a paranoid person
)and that i am what my friends call gemo (goth+emo, hope that no one hates me for it D:)
games that i usally play are
DDO (dungeons and dragons online)
CSS (rarely)
and alot of other stuff on 360 (like youll care
Mah name Sgt.Wafflez
Age 14
location Mustang, OK
how to get ahold of me mah facebook (tucker wilkin), steam, XBL
and i hope i can get respected to

i dont have a specific time i usally log on its random sometimes ill be on for hours straight sometimes ill disappear (

an intreasting thing about me is that i repeat old meme's (DO A BARREL ROLL, its over 9000!, and lots of TF2 memes XP) andand on terrortown dont claim me rdm'ing btw im just a paranoid person

games that i usally play are
DDO (dungeons and dragons online)
CSS (rarely)
and alot of other stuff on 360 (like youll care

Mah name Sgt.Wafflez
Age 14
location Mustang, OK
how to get ahold of me mah facebook (tucker wilkin), steam, XBL
and i hope i can get respected to