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Approved Respected Apps / ChinkyKarma for replacing Obama
« on: February 22, 2010, 07:51:05 PM »
I'm ChinkyKarma, or Asian-Invasion, and i am running for respected position of the RND server!!!! just kidding. non of that political crud. Anywho, my real name is Jason Nguyen, im 15, i live in Westminster, California; i wanna be respected because i know a lot of minges that does stupid sheet in your server! i wanna be like a patrol officer and give them a warning like "HEY! MINGE! stop or else.." "or else what noob.." -banned for 1 hour- ":DD"
but seriously. i will give them a warning, if the minging continues, i will do anything to stop it. making me a part of the respected group is like.. BREATHING! you have to do it.
my hobbies are dancing, eating, and living. i play rnd servers because their really fun sometimes. unless the stupid minge comes in.
love ya'll

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