Approved Respected Apps / Hello, My name is Kalenthraz!!!!!
« on: February 14, 2010, 07:50:36 AM »
For Starters: I am practically an extreme gamer, playing games all the time, when im not at work on saturdays or college during the week (which is only 3 mornings a week thankfully), I love playing Garrys mod, i think its hilarious fun, but i detest it when "Mingebags" come along and try to spoil the fun. I play buttloads of other steam-games as well though.
Name Origins: I came up with the name Kalenthraz about 5 years ago when i first started to properly play games, i soon after used it as an online name when i started to play multiplayer games and such. It seems to have been unique so far and nobody has appeared to have stolen it yet (of which i am grateful to see hehehe)
Time On: You can find me online at most times of the day, sunday through to tuesday i am online almost all day and night, and on wednesday-saturday im normally on from 4pm onwards till the early hours of the morning. (Thats GMT btw as i live in Britain)
ETC: I mainly play on servers to do with Terrorist Town, as most of my friends love that gamemode, but as a general rule i will tend to enjoy building and sled servers, i have also be known to enjoy a bit of flood which i find to be rather entertaining lol. And, as it goes without saying, i dislike mingebags, but then again who doesn't right..? I don't see any harm in a bit of fun but when it starts to troll the others players it really grinds my gears.
The games i play include, but aren't necessarily limited too:
Half Life 2
Half life deathmatch
Half life Lost coast
CS:S (but not very often)
Of course Garrys Mod
Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead 2
CoD: MW2
Fallout 3
Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl
Stalker: Call of Pripyat
Bioshock 2
Dragon Age: Origins
Killing Floor
Mass Effect 2
Mirror's Edge
Team Fortress 2
The Witcher
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Call of Cthulhu
(And those are just some of my favorites... lol)
I listen to a ton of music, my fave band being Infected Mushroom and my second fave being Cold, and my fave electronic artists in the entire world being Daft Punk...
I have a first diploma in IT for practitioners and am currently on an advanced diploma course, i also have a computing License and specialize in upgrading computer hardware, building computers and configuring software. I am 18 years of age, almost 19.
Steam ID: Kalenthraz
Friends: Got loads of them on steam, but my favourite friends are the BKBL rollerz, best damn friends a person could ask for in my opinion
Age: 18 (as i said earlier)
Builds: All kinds of stuff, experimental things mainly...
Location: Great Britain (and before you ask, yes it is very very Great!
Hopes: With any luck to be respected, but thats not my only ambition lolz
Thanks for reading!
Name Origins: I came up with the name Kalenthraz about 5 years ago when i first started to properly play games, i soon after used it as an online name when i started to play multiplayer games and such. It seems to have been unique so far and nobody has appeared to have stolen it yet (of which i am grateful to see hehehe)
Time On: You can find me online at most times of the day, sunday through to tuesday i am online almost all day and night, and on wednesday-saturday im normally on from 4pm onwards till the early hours of the morning. (Thats GMT btw as i live in Britain)
ETC: I mainly play on servers to do with Terrorist Town, as most of my friends love that gamemode, but as a general rule i will tend to enjoy building and sled servers, i have also be known to enjoy a bit of flood which i find to be rather entertaining lol. And, as it goes without saying, i dislike mingebags, but then again who doesn't right..? I don't see any harm in a bit of fun but when it starts to troll the others players it really grinds my gears.
The games i play include, but aren't necessarily limited too:
Half Life 2
Half life deathmatch
Half life Lost coast
CS:S (but not very often)
Of course Garrys Mod
Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead 2
CoD: MW2
Fallout 3
Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl
Stalker: Call of Pripyat
Bioshock 2
Dragon Age: Origins
Killing Floor
Mass Effect 2
Mirror's Edge
Team Fortress 2
The Witcher
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Call of Cthulhu
(And those are just some of my favorites... lol)
I listen to a ton of music, my fave band being Infected Mushroom and my second fave being Cold, and my fave electronic artists in the entire world being Daft Punk...
I have a first diploma in IT for practitioners and am currently on an advanced diploma course, i also have a computing License and specialize in upgrading computer hardware, building computers and configuring software. I am 18 years of age, almost 19.
Steam ID: Kalenthraz
Friends: Got loads of them on steam, but my favourite friends are the BKBL rollerz, best damn friends a person could ask for in my opinion

Age: 18 (as i said earlier)
Builds: All kinds of stuff, experimental things mainly...
Location: Great Britain (and before you ask, yes it is very very Great!

Hopes: With any luck to be respected, but thats not my only ambition lolz
Thanks for reading!