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Topics - hogie1505

Pages: [1]
Community Admin Apps / Pvt. Caboose Omalley for admin
« on: February 18, 2010, 02:17:06 PM »
Name: Xander
Age: 13
Birthday: 12/12/95
In-game Name: .:RND=Pvt. Caboose Omalley
Location: Canada.
Time Active: 2-4 hours a day
Admin Experience: Andys army role play
Friends: Banana Hat, Sanders. rueben, Krasher
Gmod Total Play Time:164.2 hrs on record

i want to be admin because i think i could help out the server alot more with admin instead iof just respected, becuase if some one is doing something bad but everybody lieks what hes doin i can votekick them because no one will say yes, and also im admin on a different server and i would like to carry over my good work to another server.


Boneyard / Edwin is abusing
« on: February 12, 2010, 03:07:32 PM »
this respeced named edwin is abusing kicking people because they killed him when he was the traiter,
i have lots of people who saws this and if he does it again i will take video thanks

Approved Respected Apps / Hello My Name is Pvt. Caboose Omalley
« on: February 08, 2010, 06:09:28 PM »
Hello im a 13m yearold kid that loves TTT wire building and WS. I love randomz servers and i hate douche bags that random kill on TTT to i would like to become respected to kick those minges and make every body have more fun.i would also like more building rights on the wire mod server. i always plasy on the TTT server so you can find me there welll i live in windsor ontario canada and im in grade 7 i play hockey and soccer i suck at school but im awesome at musci and math 

Age: 13
Name: Xander
Location: Canada
Sex: guy
Skillz: good at judging in ttt and ZS
IQ: 100

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