Approved Respected Apps / Angry - Bobs Respected Aplication
« on: January 25, 2010, 07:20:28 AM »
Hi, my name is Robert, but many of my friends call my angry bob,I am 15. I love your flood serve and play with alot of my other steam friends. I would really like respected becuase i would like to become more in this community and to help control all the stupid minges on the servers
My Name:Robert Charles Country: Australia (WA) Games:all the valve games also mw2 mainly gmod and css
Steam Name: |[vGa]|AnGrY-ß.O.ß| Time: holidays between 10am and 12 at night
The reason I wish to be respected is because:
1. This is a great community and i would like to be more involved
2. I play flood daily and some idiots join and i want to control them
3. id like to help the admins and general non minges of this communit and on the flood server
4. Help others join this community and help them with the game
Thanks, please read an accept! thanks alot XD please accept LOLS
My Name:Robert Charles Country: Australia (WA) Games:all the valve games also mw2 mainly gmod and css
Steam Name: |[vGa]|AnGrY-ß.O.ß| Time: holidays between 10am and 12 at night
The reason I wish to be respected is because:
1. This is a great community and i would like to be more involved
2. I play flood daily and some idiots join and i want to control them
3. id like to help the admins and general non minges of this communit and on the flood server
4. Help others join this community and help them with the game
Thanks, please read an accept! thanks alot XD please accept LOLS