Approved Respected Apps / Hey I'm Derek (DaWolf)
« on: February 18, 2010, 07:16:19 PM »
I'm Derek.
Im 13 years old and am a only child. My parents divorced when I was two. I am learning some chinese in middle school, Im in 8th grade. Right now my father is in Iraq because he was recently layed off and now works in a post office. I am fairly new to Garry's mod, I have owned the game for a couple of weeks now and really enjoy it. By far I haven't got much experience with it but I have learned alot over the time that I have owned it, and I plan to learn more.
I want just to learn the advanced basics, and hopfully the others in the rANd0m community can help me learn.
Contact Email: dabomb111@yahoo.com
XBlive Gamertag: traceover
Games I Have: Fo3 (All expansions)
Battlefield Badcompany 2(soon[Amazing game]) Xbox or PC
Gmod (Of course =P )
Portal (My newest edition)
Im 13 years old and am a only child. My parents divorced when I was two. I am learning some chinese in middle school, Im in 8th grade. Right now my father is in Iraq because he was recently layed off and now works in a post office. I am fairly new to Garry's mod, I have owned the game for a couple of weeks now and really enjoy it. By far I haven't got much experience with it but I have learned alot over the time that I have owned it, and I plan to learn more.
I want just to learn the advanced basics, and hopfully the others in the rANd0m community can help me learn.
Contact Email: dabomb111@yahoo.com
XBlive Gamertag: traceover
Games I Have: Fo3 (All expansions)
Battlefield Badcompany 2(soon[Amazing game]) Xbox or PC

Gmod (Of course =P )
Portal (My newest edition)