Approved Respected Apps / ||EXO - M|| Jimmy's application :]
« on: January 20, 2010, 11:41:12 PM »
Hi, my name is James, but many of my friends call my Jimmy,I am 15. I love your flood serve and play with alot of my other steam friends. I would like respected because there are some real idiots in the serverat ties and i would like try handle that with the votekick/ban feature.
My Name:James Whiley Country: Australia (WA) Games: Gmod, CSS, TF2
Steam Name: |EXO - M|| Jimmy Time: 1 pm - 8 pm
The reason I wish to be respected is because:
1. I like your community ad wuld like to be more of it
2. I play flood daily and some idiots join and i want to control them
3. Help respect's and Admins.
4. Help others join this community and help them with the game
Thanks, please read an accept!! :>
My Name:James Whiley Country: Australia (WA) Games: Gmod, CSS, TF2
Steam Name: |EXO - M|| Jimmy Time: 1 pm - 8 pm
The reason I wish to be respected is because:
1. I like your community ad wuld like to be more of it
2. I play flood daily and some idiots join and i want to control them
3. Help respect's and Admins.
4. Help others join this community and help them with the game
Thanks, please read an accept!! :>