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Topics - JT

Pages: [1]
Community Admin Apps / My admin application.
« on: September 17, 2009, 08:44:03 AM »
Greetings fellow RND members. this is my admin application.

Name: JT (real name is Justin but no one calls me by that.)
Age: 19
Education: Currently studying in the University of Phoenix
Location: Phx, USA (moving soon to HK) (:
Computer Skills: Personally, i dont know a hell lot about computers. if i come across a problem i cannot handle, i usually go on the internet. anyway, i pretty much have a basic knowledge of computers. Gmod? well, I've been playing it for nearly 2 years. pretty fun. it was introduced to me by my good friend. Over the course of 1 year being a member here., I've met several polite members of this community. honestly, when i first came, i was a bit immature and tend to minge alot. but now i can promise you i do not minge anymore. I think i will be a good admin because of the following reasons:

1. Im polite and is always eager to help anyone in need.
2. When someone annoys me, i usually give them a warning before initialing a votekick
3. Whenever i play gmod, im always come here. i personally blieve this server needs more admins. therefore i would like to volunteer to step into these shoes and take the responsibility of being an admin.

I am qualified to take the responsibility of an admin as i believe i have sufficient amount of experience handling with servers.

thank you for your cooperation

ps. if you would like extra details, please do not hesitate to contact me by this email:

Help/Requests / we needz more adminz
« on: July 30, 2009, 02:37:48 PM »
we needz more adminz, every now and then, we have minges coming...
we gotta do somethingzzz
same with sleepersofts servers...


Help/Requests / legs
« on: March 19, 2009, 04:39:38 AM »
kk, one VERY annoying thing on the server is the legs :/
it glitches and i see half of my body popping and flashing infront of me :/

plz delete the legs, really useless xD

Help/Requests / admin
« on: March 01, 2009, 08:53:33 PM »
hey coolz, not too long ago, you made me admin on the plain server HORRAY :D

but, i cant seem to figure out the commands, and when i press tab, i still see myself as blue :/
so do i have to download anything for the 'admin menu' to come up? or just wait? xD

btw, cloud helped me a bit, thank you cloud!!


Forum/Website Suggestions / weapons
« on: January 05, 2009, 05:25:44 AM »
hey you know you just installed the css realistic weapons
yeah about that, can you make the smoke, flash and the HE grenades for only respected coz sometimes, a random noob can come to the server and annoy us with it.

thx, ttyl :D

General Chat / !votemap
« on: December 28, 2008, 08:23:00 PM »
hi guys, just to tell you, i have a great suggestion

not too long ago, Random server use to be gm_flatgrass2008 all the time, now it seems to be on gm_snowynight_v1a now

to make things easier, why not have a votemap? :P

Approved Respected Apps / ITS ME JT, if you know me
« on: October 02, 2008, 02:29:40 AM »
im here to say, I'm very happy to join the random server, as random server has become my favourite server on Gmod. I've seen your group on steam Coolzeldad, and im very surprised to see what progress it had.

some may know me, im the little (geeeky xD) dude roaming around in server, BUT i do not cause too much trouble. AND I HELP TOO XD

So may i please join your steam group? it will be an honour for me to join your group. My steam is ".:~RND`=- JT", if you can find me xD

thx, ttyl :D


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