Approved Respected Apps / Me INTRO:D (MY) DARKSHADOW120 :_(
« on: November 28, 2009, 03:51:08 PM »
Hello I AM Darkshadow ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY! (Darkshadow120:) I would like to be respected on The zombie survival server
i like the zombies eating my brainz and im addicted to it like DRUGZ
i play 4-5 hours EACH! day. I have played this server about times, yes, TIMES. i macked (maked) SOME friends over the past few times! People Really like me and respect me (thats why i should be respected
) so if u make me respected i can really be respected by the citizens that play ZOMBIE SURVIVAL! well, i am the age of 13
i play Garrys mod Call of duty 4 (not multi) im gettting Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 for christymas and im excited aBOUT that, i mean wHo ISnt?!
i like pizza
and Yougurt
i also think that wraiths pwn bcuz they sneak up behind u and stab you in the buttocks. I hate when zombies kill me (CHEM ZOMBIES) WHEN Chem Zombies Kill me or any other kind of zombies kill me i start getting so mad and cussing them out. JK ;o So i would appreciate it if i became a respected member of the Zombie Survival Server OF RANDOM PLAYING. ADD MY STEAM NAME: Darkshadow120
i will play any other server i love all gmod game types bcuz GMOD PWNS
PS. I am not retarded, stupid and i know my grammar. This is so this message will be noticed and not thrown into the 'nOoB' files. HOPE YOU UNDERSTAND. TTYL! (i think)

i will play any other server i love all gmod game types bcuz GMOD PWNS
PS. I am not retarded, stupid and i know my grammar. This is so this message will be noticed and not thrown into the 'nOoB' files. HOPE YOU UNDERSTAND. TTYL! (i think)