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Topics - Agent___Whatever

Pages: [1]
Approved Respected Apps / Hi, my name is Agent(for short)!
« on: November 15, 2009, 01:20:18 PM »
For starters: Im your basic "funny" guy, whitout making too much typo's and i almost never DM. It creates alot of fun, but i can be very, VERY serius(spelling?) to.
Name origins: It started a long while ago on a random police server(San Andreas Multi Player), and since then i always use this name.
Time on: Most of the day, im a real addict at gaming, but not destructivly.

ETC: I do have some medical flaws, for example, my left eye is blind becouse of an Airsoft accident, i have short time memory loss becouse of my past( school......(im not a criminal, jesus)), and do have a hart condition.

And now to the more interesting part,   I (also)really like random servers, always up for a new and refreshing gamemode. Im attrackted to them like a bear to honey. I can find bugs very quickly, becouse i keep my eye(s) open for everything. I usually hang out on spacebuild servers, and zombie servers. I have alot of connections trueout different servers.
I (also) like machinimas(Brilliant quality, and almost always funny), and alot of nature violence video's(dont ask me why, i just do)

I think that concludes me in Gmod. A list of games i play alot:
Postal 2 Share the pain( i just love going postal in that game)

And i (also) could go on and on for about a freakin hour or 6.

I listen to music alot, im a fan of about everything(exept rap, country(duh), r&b, and realy heavy metal(

I dont have much scripting skills, trying to learn, but its hard...

My hobbies of building:

I usually make Random stuff that DOES make sence(for example: a minivan shooting cannon, a long range turret, Rc cars, etc...)

Now a short brief stuff about me:
SteamID: Agent___Whatever
Favourite subject(s): Music, Wire, Random contraptions, complicated thing that i dont understand at first.
Birthday: 17-01
Education: This is why i hate the Netherlands, i dont know......
Builds: Spaceships, Security systems, Mini vehicles, Automatic turrets(long range), bunkers
Games: .
Location: The Netherlands!
How to contact me: Steam, Xfire: agentwhatever, hotmail(PM me about that)

I hope it was enough, and yes, i modified mingebaggers post to fit my description, becouse i dont remember most of the info i want/need to give.

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