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Topics - Duck

Pages: [1]
General Chat / I need an answer please :D
« on: January 03, 2010, 11:40:43 PM »
I need to ask a question

Who won the snowball competition?

General Chat / Help me please
« on: January 03, 2010, 11:36:13 PM »
I've been trying to get on the server the past week, and I can't seem to go on, matter of fact I can't go onto any server, I've tried and tried but I can't seem to go in, plus it also says Server Is Not Responding.

General Chat / Help please
« on: December 09, 2009, 05:15:00 PM »
I've been playing the server almost 3 months now, and I never knew how, never tried to learn, or ever bothered to ask..

but how do you make a custom Spray for in-game. I don't know what to do, and where to add it.

So can anyone help me?

Community Admin Apps / Duck For Admin
« on: November 22, 2009, 07:05:34 PM »
In-Game Name: Duck
Age: 14
Education: 9th Grade, English 1, Algebra 1, World Geography, and Physical Science
Location: USA, Louisiana
Computer Skills: I'm not even going to lie about it, I don't know anything about Lua, Mapping, or anything like that lol, but main computer skill I would be good at is fixing small computer problems, like if something is wrong, typing fast, just some of the simplest little things any everyday person would know about... and making batch files for fun.
Length On Random's Server: 1 Month and 3 weeks (Active Everyday)
Respected Length: About 2 weeks now
Why Admin?: I would like to be admin because I am very active, sometimes I don't see Admins on the randoms flood server, and for about 3 days straight, there has been some hacker or hackers online, but no admin was there to ban them. Also, I would like to be admin because I am very dedicated in helping out the server in any way I can. I always follow the rules, I never do anything to twist the rules around, I try my best to enforce the rules best I can.

Just something extra to add, if you guys don't feel like I should be admin, then I 100 percent understand, I don't really want to rush it, but I'm just trying to take a chance at it. If I'm just respected the rest of my time here, then I'm ok with it.

Boneyard / Reporting .:RND`=-Master chief
« on: November 20, 2009, 02:33:11 PM »
This supposedly respected member is a power abuser. We were in a boat battle, I had a boat, and I destroyed his, he tried getting on my boat, then I was moving with crowbar, then he finally got on, and I somehow flew off, I got back on, I had 49 HP he had 10 HP, so I started jumping on the boat so the water would hit him, then when I jumped, I landed on his head, then he died and I won the battle. After that, he was like

.:RND`=-Master chief: DUCK
.:RND`=-Master chief: noob
.:RND`=-Master chief: bitch
.:RND`=-Master chief has initiated a vote kick on Duck

So yeah he tried to kick me out server just because his boat got destroyed, and I won. I would be happy if he atleast got a warning, it doesn't even have to be anything major.

Approved Respected Apps / Duck for respected
« on: November 12, 2009, 03:50:45 PM »
Name: Duck
SteamID: GravityMomNotAmused
Friends: A good amount of people in flood, and a few in zombie server.
Favorite Subjects: Algebra 1, Physical Science and English 1
Birthday: 3/3/95
Education: 9th Grade, 2 honor classes and 2 regular classes.
Games: Garry's Mod and GTA San Andreas Multiplayer
Location: United States
Contacts: Xfire: ton144was251

I like randoms server. I sometimes play on zombie server, I play on sled server here and there, and I play flood server about everyday.  I also hope to be a respected. I haven't tried Wire Build, but I will sooner or later. Oh yeah and hope to get accepted into the community :D

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