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Topics - travis

Pages: [1]
Approved Respected Apps / REPOST: I'm Travis (:
« on: November 06, 2009, 02:21:18 PM »
SteamID: 1337travis1337
Friends: Most people on the flood server.
Favourite subjects: Math, Hammer Editor, English, Science, LUA
Birthday: 2/22
Education: 8th grade all advanced subjects.
Hopes: I wish to go to college for 4 years for crime investigation and eventually get into the FBI/NCIS.
Games: Garry's Mod, Counter-Strike: Source
Location: United States
How to contact me:MSN/Email: Steam: 1337travis1337.

Community Admin Apps / Travis for admin :D
« on: November 03, 2009, 05:30:39 PM »
Name: Travis
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:27028677
Friend(s): Most people on the Flood server and some in the sled and zombie servers.
Favourite subject(s): Math, LUA, Mapping, English
Age: 13
Birthday: 2.22
Education: 8th grade all advanced subjects.
Skills: A little bit of LUA, tiny bit of C++, mapping(SourceSDK/Hammer), hax o_O
Builds: Everything :O
Why?: I am on the servers more than most of the admins in the random community and can keep the servers free of cheaters.
Location: United States
How to contact me: MSN/Email: Steam: 1337travis1337

If you like my app, leave a good comment and vote +1 :D.

Approved Respected Apps / Hi, I'm Travis :D
« on: October 29, 2009, 03:48:05 PM »
Hi, my name is Travis. I just join the .:`=-~RANDOM~`-=:. Flood server. I play GMod pretty often, mostly everyday. I would like to be respected because a lot of people hold up the round when everybody is dead, and i can enforce the rules.
Location:United States
I know this is a crappy intro, but I don't know what else to say... so...

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