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Topics - Chik0r0

Pages: [1]
Approved Respected Apps / Hello i r heer agin
« on: March 03, 2010, 06:05:27 PM »
okha RND guyz, dont make me admin...anyways i think sum1 deserves it moar than me...but at least can u gimme bak mah respecshun? i was respected but i changed my Steam ID (bcuz the other one is disabled  :() and i wanna be respected again. The introduction i made is dis:,839.msg4576.html#msg4576
so can i be respected agin? ;D

Dat ass

Community Admin Apps / OK, now this is the real one.
« on: March 02, 2010, 07:08:10 PM »
My steam ID has changed, thats because the steam ppl disabled my Chik0r0 account. Im not even respected now :S my steam id now its Chik0r0NeverDies

Hey, if you dont want to, dont accept this request. I wanna be admin. Not just for being and say "HAKSKAHKHSK I R ADMINZ ND U DNT BITCHEZ LULULLZ", i wont abuse if u accept. the reason for i wanna be admin its bcuz there are a LOT of problems in RND servers and admins are not always on...

...So i wanna be the one who solves that problems (minges, excesive props in sandbox, hackers in ZS, etc)...can i?

I say to you again, you dont have to say yes, but i'd really like to be admin. (taking in count that im a newbie in the forums, i have in minds all the problems in the servers)

General Chat / Sorry for being so annoying...but wtf
« on: March 02, 2010, 11:00:58 AM »
hello, today i was playing ZS and i tried to make a votekick, and guess what? it said "You must be respected to use this command" Why im not respected anymore? what did i do? :( thx 4 ur attention

General Chat / Sparta Kick?
« on: October 17, 2009, 06:41:22 PM »
Hey guys, i have a question for all the admins here.
When you kick someone in the RND servers, the game/server crashes.
Why is this happening? how do u stop it? thx u

Approved Respected Apps / Chik0r0 wants to be part of randomness
« on: October 12, 2009, 09:28:47 PM »
hi name is Chik0r0 and I want to be part of this awesome group, because its made for me  ;). This is a little introduction of me:

Origin of my name: I really dont remember why I choose that name the first time, that just come out from my mind. I think I was eating ice cream.

Age: 13

Games I have: Garry's Mod, Zombie Panic Source, Half Life 2 Deathmatch.

My Garry's Mod favorite mods: Zombie Survival, Sandbox, Prop Hunt, Sniper Wars, Zombie Onslaught, etc.

Steam account: Chik0r0

Random selection of words/phrases:
So...I herd u liek mudkipz
o rob rofl suns moon
seckz ball00nz

Things that i like to build in Gmod:
-Every random thing that comes to my mind
-Masterpieces with trails
-Every funny things

Location: Venezuela, but i speak the english as my 2nd language

Contact with me: Dont ask, just add ;)

Games i like: TF2, Halo 3, Guitar Hero, Rock Band, Gmod, Super Mario games, etc.

Birthday: October 5th...

i dunno what more to
can i haz cheezburgar?..I MEAN...can i be part of teh group plz? :P

Pages: [1]