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Topics - Intenso

Pages: [1]
Approved Respected Apps / Introduce of Intenso
« on: October 07, 2009, 09:25:15 AM »
Hello, gmod players.

i tried to do this earlier but the site was down for some day's.

I'm Bertjan and i'm from the netherlands 18 years old and i play a lot gmod at my freetime. :-\

Also i'm training alot at my dirtbike. 8)
When i'm playing at gmod i'm the most building vehicle's like planes and modding hovercraft and i also know some wiring.

i'm online from 18:00 to 23:00 between that at gm+1 time. sometimes even more.
playing under the name: Intenso

shhh  :-X

ps: i dont know how to become respected because i dont know that many about online servers because i played mostly singleplayer but now i play often more online like i said before.
please tell me how to get respected because the mods i wanna make i sometimes need to use a tool which is only getable for respected users. Thnx  :)

for more questions just ask me :D

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