« on: October 16, 2009, 11:59:48 PM »
I am requesting tht {MingeKiller} become non-respected and banned. He kicked me from the game for no reason. The rules in flood said I could do something so I did it. AND Ruben just updated them today. I jumped on his boat and shot it because it was later in the round. The rules said "You cannot shoot the boat your on, unless you get on it after the round starts." So I did tht and he kicked me. Now pryvisee is backing him up because they were doing money rounds, me and crazed and some other people were trying to stop it. So {MingeKiller} kicked me. I want some action taken. {MingeKiller} wouldnt stop. So he kicked me. They just wanted money. They said I was shooting someones boat that I was on but I wasnt until I got on {MingeKillers} boat. So I didnt break any rules. And {MingeKiller} spammed a bunch of babies. I couldnt get his steam ID because my Gmod crashed after he kicked me.=(. But Crazed Gunner is my witness. And some other people. Thank you for reading this if you did, please demote him or do something.