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Topics - Underdog

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Boneyard / Abuser: DarkBunny
« on: May 02, 2010, 09:04:44 PM »
all the proof u need is here

short version Dark was being noob RDMing and then waffle asked me to ban him Dark then put up a ban on Waffle because he asked me to ban dark

: Waffle Shameimaru: .:RND' = |AHN| DarkBunny is the traitor!
Waffle Shameimaru: .:RND' = |AHN| DarkBunny is the traitor!
Waffle Shameimaru: .:RND' = |AHN| DarkBunny is the traitor!
.:RND' = |AHN| DarkBunny: actually..
.:RND' = |AHN| DarkBunny: im not
.:RND' = |AHN| DarkBunny: you fail
.:RND' = |AHN| DarkBunny FOUND THE BODY OF Waffle Shameimaru. HE WAS INNOCENT.
Coaches_asses(F.A.G/) FOUND THE BODY OF Raven. HE WAS A TRAITOR!
Coaches_asses(F.A.G/): I'm with gamecox.
Coaches_asses(F.A.G/): I'm with H4M5T3R.
rANdOm Anti-Cheat V0.2 is Running on this Server
Coaches_asses(F.A.G/) FOUND THE BODY OF .:RND' = |AHN| DarkBunny. HE WAS INNOCENT.
*DEAD* (TEAM) Waffle Shameimaru: Haha bunny
Coaches_asses(F.A.G/): wtf dark bunny
*DEAD* (TEAM) .:RND' = |AHN| DarkBunny: yes! i killed the detective before i died xD
*DEAD* (TEAM) Waffle Shameimaru: Prepare to be banned
Coaches_asses(F.A.G/) FOUND THE BODY OF mebins. HE WAS A DETECTIVE.
*DEAD* (TEAM) .:RND' = |AHN| DarkBunny: waffle i cant be banned
*DEAD* (TEAM) Waffle Shameimaru: Underdog
yumpizza: where
*DEAD* (TEAM) Waffle Shameimaru: Bunny just RDMed the detec
yumpizza: ?
*DEAD* (TEAM) .:RND' = |AHN| DarkBunny: Why am i getting banned?
yumpizza: i didnt do it
*DEAD* (TEAM) .:RND' = |AHN| DarkBunny: Actually
*DEAD* (TEAM) .:RND' = |AHN| DarkBunny: Im new to this
*DEAD* (TEAM) Coaches_asses(F.A.G/): FU DARK BUNNY
*DEAD* (TEAM) .:RND' = |AHN| DarkBunny: coaches
*DEAD* (TEAM) Waffle Shameimaru: Liar
•§hëëpš_Åhôlÿ• FOUND THE BODY OF Coaches_asses(F.A.G/). HE WAS INNOCENT.
*DEAD* (TEAM) .:RND' = |AHN| DarkBunny: stfu
*DEAD* (TEAM) Waffle Shameimaru: I saw you here tons before
(OSOK) Zack: trap
[SolidVote] .:RND' = |AHN| DarkBunny initiated vote 'Ban player Waffle Shameimaru for 60 minutes?'
•§hëëpš_Åhôlÿ•: i don't trust anyone that id's detector body
*DEAD* (TEAM) Waffle Shameimaru: LOL
[SolidVote] .:RND`=-Underdog voted no
: [SolidVote] yumpizza voted no.
[SolidVote] gamecox voted yes.
*DEAD* (TEAM) Waffle Shameimaru: QQ more
[SolidVote] mebins voted no.
[SolidVote] Raven voted no.
[SolidVote] (OSOK) Zack voted no.
yumpizza: bnn doesnt crash
*DEAD* (TEAM) Waffle Shameimaru: Lose respected
*DEAD* (TEAM) Coaches_asses(F.A.G/): PPL LOVE WAFFLE
*DEAD* (TEAM) .:RND' = |AHN| DarkBunny: idc?
MARY: (OSOK) Zack acts suspicious.
*DEAD* (TEAM) Coaches_asses(F.A.G/): LUL
*DEAD* (TEAM) .:RND' = |AHN| DarkBunny: i hate rnd anyways
*DEAD* (TEAM) .:RND' = |AHN| DarkBunny: AHN is WAYYYY better
yumpizza: move that damn box
*DEAD* (TEAM) Coaches_asses(F.A.G/): PPL LOVE WAFFLE LUL
*DEAD* (TEAM) .:RND' = |AHN| DarkBunny: Waffle sucks big black nigger dicks
*DEAD* (TEAM) .:RND' = |AHN| DarkBunny: bye fags
Player .:RND' = |AHN| DarkBunny left the game (Disconnect by user.)

Approved Respected Apps / Steam Group Invite
« on: April 20, 2010, 10:11:20 PM »
would i be able to get a steam group invite


Community Admin Apps / Underdoggies Admin app
« on: April 18, 2010, 07:56:23 PM »
Alright well finaly im gona go for it i have played for 2 years on the RND servers,

Real Name: Cameron

Steam Userid: STEAM_0:1:24774285
Steam Username:Underdog13 or somthing along those lines, i dont add myself see :P
RND servers: Ive played All but mainly stick to TTT, ZS, and sometimes WIRE

Age: 17

education: Year 12

1 years respected, (edited)
most will either know me as that underdog who KEELZ MINGES or that mingy underdog that KEELZ MINGES,
ive started to do mapping, none of which has been seen by anyone,
i have been Adminz before on another server of a friends before hes computer collapsed on him so i know the basics and some,
im just about to finish school this year and be able to finish what i want to on this thing
learning how to
i have studied computing at school and know this stuff...
mainly find me on ZS, Somtimes on wire
rarly on flood anymore and sometimes on TTT
i think u should know my story and vote whatever
im usaly traveling through servers when some one needs a hand...


i have helped those to be respected and be loved...
and stopped those who should have even come to our servers ...
also id  be good because IM AN AUSTRALIAN who is up when ur not...

Server Requests/Suggestions / Competition on flood?
« on: October 03, 2009, 10:10:49 AM »
I Dont know if its possible but i have been thinking, on the flood server latley people are saying i always win and i was thinking maybe we could have somewhat of a competition on who is the top player around on it... maybe a 1v1 or a 2v2 based games played with a set amount of money and we could fight it out??? would it be possible

Approved Respected Apps / Group Invite Underdog?
« on: September 30, 2009, 08:58:57 AM »
would i be able to join u boyz in the steam group?

Approved Respected Apps / Underdog Respected Application
« on: September 26, 2009, 01:27:01 AM »
Hey all been playing for about 4 months

Age: 16
Location:Australia, NSW
Server: Flood Mod and zombie survival
im usualy almost always on the pc
im hooked on GMod love FPS games
fav colour is blue
real names Cameron
and Underdog was not riped off the movie i thought of it before the movie cause of how much i used to suck at
i created and run a website for a group of people who play wargames
stil at school in year 11
im studing software and design at school hoping to get into the industry
work casualy as a chef
just got a new pc
other games i play include Team fortress 2, battlefield 2, Gears Of War, COD 4, Crysis, Crysis Warhead, Prototype, Warcraft and Warcraft 2 but not World Of Warcraft!
did play Warhammer online cause im a nut for Warhammer...

steam id= 76561198009814299

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