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RANDOM Deutsch - Diskussion / Facebook
« on: June 27, 2010, 04:12:35 AM »
Also ich denke jeder kennt diese Website, aber nicht jeder ist dort angemeldet.
Ich bin auf Facebook schon seit langer Zeit und ich dachte mir (falls ihr wollt) mir eine Freundschaftsanfrage stellen könnt.
Ich will einfach mal wissen wie ihr im richtigen Leben aussieht.

Das ist meine Freundesliste (auf Facebook)von den Leuten die ich bei rANdOm kenne: Allandu, Artik, Frank, Krasher, Magic, Marjuice, Ryu, Ruben, PDAFreak

also wenn ihr wollt schickt mir einfach eine Freundschaftsanfrage mit einer Nachricht wo drin steht wer ihr bei random seid. Mein Name ist Benjamin Sprecak

Außerdem wenn ihr denkt: Bei Facebook gibts keine gescheiten Spiele, dann habt ihr Recht aber EIN SPIEL ist GESCHEIT: Social City (Aufbauspiel) ihr musst es unbedingt spielen!! Ryu und Ich spielen das schon seit ein paar Monaten und das Spiel wir immer nur noch besser!! Also spielt es oder stirb!!!


Boneyard / Some idiots here...
« on: June 27, 2010, 02:50:19 AM »
So uhh it is quite a long time since I've posted anything here, but that doesn't matter now.
In the last few days i get messages from people in my friends list like:


I have no idea why they are doing that, is that a joke because they think im dumb? Or are they just trolling around like a dumbass? NO IDEA
I dont want to tell the names since that woudnt be fair until they show up here in this thread so uhh if you have the same problem please tell me!

And theres one thing i got to say: If this shit happens next time to me, ill report it here WITH the name cuz its pissing me always off >:O

P.S.: I recommend you not to go that website which I have posted here, seriously only dumbasses think they can get steam games for free so forget about it.


Funny Stuffz / Gay Pride? xD
« on: June 26, 2010, 02:48:26 PM »
I was about to check my emails and all of the sudden, i found this:

and if you think thats all, then take a look at this xD:

omfg i was laughing for about 5 minutes about this xDDD

Funny Stuffz / same Postcounts rofl
« on: March 21, 2010, 01:56:46 PM »
Have you noticed that we have the same Postcount?
Like today i found two examples xD:
Krasher and CommanderEddy:

BrotherBlade and me:

Funny Stuffz / Fishville fail.
« on: March 21, 2010, 12:51:51 PM »
I was playin Fishville on Facebook (if yuh dun know wat it is then gtfo) and i bought some little fishies (cute ;)) and renamed them.
After that they were ready to sell. I took some pictures how it looked like when i was about to sell them, here they are:

If you are wondering about: "How did he do it?"
It's simple: I changed the names into: a fag, mah ass, shit, for teh lolz, a nigga.

If you are on facebook and you are playing Fishville then try this yourself!!!!

I garantee it will work xD

Forum/Website Suggestions / Can I be German Moderator?
« on: March 20, 2010, 08:21:17 PM »
I want to be a German Moderator.

I've lived in Canada(Ottawa) for 5 years, today I live in Germany(Suttgart) also for 5 years and i know English aswell German very well.

If you don't believe me you can ask xXMasteRyuXx, since he is German Moderator himself
and knows me in real life he can confirm that I know both Languages very well.

What I only need is that an Administrator can take his time qualifying me as a German Moderator,
if an Admin agrees with me, to be me a German Moderator
If you be very thankful if I become one.

Greetings from Germany,Stuttgart


RANDOM Deutsch - Diskussion / Deutschland FTL!!!!!
« on: March 20, 2010, 07:36:51 PM »
Wie der Titel schon sagt:

Deutschland FTL!!!!!

denkt ihr genauso? dann wählt oben in der Umfrage auf JA!!!!!! und postet hier das ihr hier gewählt habt
damit ich eine Liste machen kann wer JA!!!!!! gewählt hat.

Hier ist die Liste:
- xXTheStrikerXx
- xXMasteRyuXx (unoffiziell hier, aber er sagt bestimmt ja)
- Krasher
- DoeniDon
- Brotherblade
- Dr.Zomboss

*Diese Liste wird geupdatet sobald jemand hier gewählt und gepostet hat. (wenn ich online bin)*

So'n verdammter Penner hat heute als ich von der Schule nach Hause gekommen bin mein Steam Account gehackt >:O
Ich töte entweder diesen Penner oder der soll zur Hölle fahren.
Schwör, ausgerechnet jetzt muss mein Account gehackt sein  :mad: :mad:

Ausgerechnet von 2 Millionen andere Leute auf Steam muss MEIN Account gehackt worden sein.
tja, Penner gibts halt überall (außer bei rANdOm)
bestimmt sieht dieser Penner aus wie'n Boomer der kein Leben hat und der nix besseres auf dieser Welt zu tun hat als MEIN Account zu hacken >:O
verdammter Penner eh!

Alles Hansi's Schuld!!
(nur Striker und Ryu sind "Insider" dieses Witzes/Satzes, also ignoriert ihn einfach)

Ach ja falls englische User meine "Beschwerden" lesen wollen, dann gibt es dafür diesen Thread:,

Boneyard / My Steam Accoutn has been hijacked :C
« on: March 10, 2010, 09:48:44 AM »
My Steam Account has been hijacked...
well i've sent a question to valve and now im waiting here.

its so boring :C

and im mad cuz a faghacker from fagcity hijacked mah account cuz his ass is too lazy to earn money and buy games, instead uf that he picked from about 2 million accounts on this world my account. And i knew it would happen some day but i didnt expected it today o.o

fuggin hacker >:O

i hope i can retreave my acc and my gamez aswell soon D:
i wanna play gmawdz D: D: D:

cmon thats aint fair! >:C >:C >:C >:C
i would bitchslap that hackers ass so hard that he would never dare do that again lol.
he looks probably like a boomer and haz no life except on the internetz (not rly) xD

oh ya before i end this long complaint, which probably nobody cares about it but i'll just say it now:



Community Admin Apps / Striker's Admin App
« on: February 14, 2010, 10:38:51 AM »
Real Name : Andy Jones

In-game Name : .:~RND`=- xXTheStrikerXx

SteamID : STEAM_0:1:24483197

Age : 15

Birthday : July,20th

Location : Stuttgart, Germany (its like City 17 here :( )

Nationality : Canadian (i lived in Canada before ;D )

Languages : English, German, French, Bosnian

Friends (RND) : Bacon, Boat Sinker, Krasher, Czagany, Magic, Ruben, Master GT, PDAFreak14, RyuZorz, Allandu/Mingebagger, Sabbathfreak911, Squirrel, Frank, coolz, Sanders, CommanderEddy, Tiger Guy

Time Active : (GMT+1) 2pm-11pm

Skillz : learning e2 + lua, remaking skins (models), mapping, flood expert (uberpwner)

Admin Experience : I was an admin on a css 1.6 server. my friend hosted it.

Why? : Well I want to become an admin, cuz most of the time I don't see admins on, or when someone really needs one. I'm like almost the whole day online xD (except in school :'( ) so I'm always there when rus hackers are in the servers and I played here for 6 months. If i become admin I wont abuse in any way my powers, instead I use them to keel teh hackerz and mingiez with teh banhammer :P in case if they are causing problems.

thanks for tanking your timez and vote Striker 4 teh Admin :D



« on: January 31, 2010, 11:13:20 AM »
Hallo, ähm ich frag mich eigentlich wer hier noch Deutscher is.  :question:
Also wenn du das lesen kannst und noch das sogar verstehst dann bist du Deutscher!  :P

Was guckst du noch?   ???
Schreib doch endlich dein verdammten Namen hier rein und antworte  8)

Ach ja, ich hab was vergessen.....
Willkomen bei RANDOM!!!  ;)

« on: January 25, 2010, 11:00:00 AM »
I'm sure you've noticed that some idiots have found a way to destroy a boat, while they're standing on it, without breaking the rules.This rule is turning the server into a bunch of noobs, which they are making them smarter then they are. ::)

The Rule: Don't shoot the boat you are standing on, unless you got on it after the round has started. is against the boat owners, because they cant resist. :-[

An example: You have built a 2x3 "vending machine" boat, as soon you are finished, a noob is coming towards your boat with a one vending machine-boat and places right next to yours. As soon as the rounds starts, he jumps onto your boat and starts to destroy it. After that you would probably type in chat: STOP SHOOTING MY BOAT,THATS AGAINST THE RULES!!! He says: The rules say that im allowed. You are getting really mad and you are warning him, that you will kick him. He refuses and continues. NOW YOU ARE SO ANGRY THAT YOU ARE STARTING A VOTEKICK. 80% votes for no. You are wondering why. What would you do? >:( You cant stop him. You cant kick him. You cant save your boat. Result: Your boat is fucked up by that noob who has destroyed your boat and you die. The noob has found an other boat and stays there for the rest of the round.

This art of playing, has no sense to play and results in fights, BANS and more shit. I hope you are thinking about a change, like me, because it's really important, not just for me, im speaking to all concerned boat owners. To make the flood server clean we have to make a change! >:(

I hope you have did the right decision and voted for a rule-change, so plz help me to change this rule, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!! ;D

sry ruben if I said that, but it is the truth... :-X

Approved Respected Apps / Hi guys im xXWarStrikerXx
« on: September 30, 2009, 09:48:16 AM »
hi ;D
I'm xXWarStrikerXx

I'm playing in the wireconstruct server since 3 months and building miselanious stuff like:

Wire:elevator,mp3 player,scanner
other things:house,space station,miliary base and stuff like that

Personal Information:

Ingame Name: .:~RND`=-xXWarStrikerXx

Steam ID: xXWarStrikerXxDIER

Steam Friends (ID):.:~RND`=-xXMasteRyuXx,game_world11,

Real Name: Rick James

Age: 22

Place of Residence: Stuttgart,Germany

Languages: English,German,French,Bosnian,

Job: Owner of Monte Rio Entertainment

Consoles: PC,PSP,


PC:Anno 1404,Audiosurf, CSS, DOD:S, D.I.P.R.I.P. Warm Up, Garrys Mod, HL2, HL2DM, Portal, Synergy, TF2,

PSP:Final Fantasy Dissidia, NFS Shift, Dirt 2, Motorstorm Arctic Edge, GTA:VCS, Rockband Unplugged, Midight Club L.A. Remix, Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, Monster Hunter Freedom 2, Coded Arms

GREEZ xXWarStrikerXx

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