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Topics - Vineyruler

Pages: [1]
Boneyard / bye gamers
« on: July 31, 2010, 04:53:47 AM »
hey guys its me ahslay i've gone by names like gravity shifter and ashlay of gravity any way
i've stopped gmod those who have my building dont redistrutait them back out  those are my last ones
 good bye gmoders

Approved Respected Apps / steam group
« on: June 09, 2010, 11:41:45 PM »
add me fine upstanding gentlemen/women, name


 ;D -X

Community Admin Apps / Ashers Admin APP
« on: May 23, 2010, 12:40:19 PM »
hey guys..some of you dont know me but people who do im just saying im no longer playing ..... bye you wont see me again to be honest cos
i've stopped gmod for good

My admin app

Name:     Ashley Lunet(call me asher/ash).

InGame Name:     Changes often but its normally Asher/shiftar/gravity.

what i like:     Red/blue fav colour,music(fort minor blink182),morning runs,attemping to not get mugged
i have no pets, tring not to over train.
commander eddy
master GT
Prap killer
zambiefied kitteh
tobar the ferryman

Age:     25.

Location:     France, paris(im scotish).

EDUCATION:     Finished Doing Game testing/Dev.

Skillz:     making mods(still learning),can shoot some one in the foreheadfrom 20 meters away freeaiming,sniper in the army,banning russians for beening russian.

Experience:     freinds server,my css serer(now down).

B-Day:     14 december 1985.

games:     DOD CSS GMOD Portal Insurgancy  Bad company2WOW level 80 and stoped spore hl2 AOC AGE TF2.

Reason:     cos we need more admins,cant use all tools,we need admins on more,im just so cool.


Someone is prop pushing in TTT, or Flood
1. Warning.
2. Kick.
3.1 hour ban.
4. Week ban.
5. Perma ban.

Someone is dossing a rnd server

Someone is aimbotting on TTT, or ZS
1a. Let Ruben's h4x indicator indicate the haxor, or if it don't pick it up.
1b. Week Ban.
2. Perma Ban.

Someone is talking too damn much and everyone wants him to STFU!
1. Muted until agreement.

Someone impostor posing as admin.
1.     Kick telling him who's boss.
2.     1 hour ban telling him not to impostor as an admin.
3.     1 week ban telling him to not to do it again or BAN OR ASHOR.
4.     PERMA BAN OF ASHOR TEH SGT OF 51st PLATTOON! oh and a cookie for those who help.

Someone disrespecting.(Example:Tell me that im a man, Telling Deviant 'TITS OR GTFO!', telling PhozenFox to get his furrfagass out.)
1.     Warning.
2.     Kick.
3.     hour ban.
4.     Week ban.
5.     BAN HAMMA OR MEH!!!

Money rounding in flood.
1.     Waring.
2.     Kick.
3.     1 hour ban.
4.     Week ban.
5.     Perma ban.

Someone tells me "CAN I HAVE ZE ADMINS TOO!!!"
1.     Laugh in their face.


-1's have to have a reason and not cos we are not friends

General Chat / >>UPS<< Gaming Group Invites
« on: May 08, 2010, 07:30:52 AM »
heya this is the group i made for me and Rnd friendlys urmm yea heres a link

the cool stuff we do

E2 Helping
E1 helping
Really cool event
and more

and modderater  dont lock this page like you did with the other one

Boneyard / yomo accusing me of prop killing
« on: May 08, 2010, 03:54:40 AM »
heya guys im makign thing cos yomo keeps blaming e for prop killing then anonys teaming up with him saying that they'll report me
at the time he was killing him self i was building my base come to wirebuild and see if ya want
and he keepsblaming me


.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: sorry. i'm idiot. can't understund english. please speak english.
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: sorry. i'm idiot. can't understund english. please speak english.
•§hëëpš_Åhôlÿ•: trying to see why this isn't working
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: sorry. i'm idiot. can't understund english. please speak english.
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: sorry. i'm idiot. can't understund english. please speak english.
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: sorry. i'm idiot. can't understund english. please speak english.
pewpew undone
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: sorry. i'm idiot. can't understund english. please speak english.
pewpew undone
pewpew undone
gmod_wire_adv_pod undone
Vehicle undone
[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
Anony Mouse: warning, warning: yomocat will pee on you in 5 seconds
Anony Mouse: a
.:RND`=- Southwind's props have been cleaned up
*DEAD* skaterdude[SwE]: wtf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gt600 was killed by worldspawn
.:Rnd`=-[r-B]»UP§«GravityShi was killed by worldspawn
.:Rnd`=-[r-B]»UP§«GravityShi: yomo stop
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: gtfo600
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: wat stop..
.:Rnd`=-[r-B]»UP§«GravityShi: bombing
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: im not using VC :o
Anony Mouse: yomo stap
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: what im doint?
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: *doing
Anony Mouse: y omo is stapman
.:Rnd`=-[r-B]»UP§«GravityShi: Bombing
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: im not spanw bomb D:
Anony Mouse: gravityshi is stapman
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi was killed by worldspawn
Warning: killicon not found 'worldspawn'
*DEAD* .:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: gravity stop prop pusing
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: prop killing
.:Rnd`=-[r-B]»UP§«GravityShi: im not
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi was killed by prop_physics
*DEAD* .:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: gravity!!!
.:Rnd`=-[r-B]»UP§«GravityShi: im building in my base
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: stop
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi was killed by worldspawn
Anony Mouse: ]
.:Rnd`=-[r-B]»UP§«GravityShi: YOMO YOU STOP
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: omg gravityshi is killing ppl
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: killing 1 ppl
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: name is yomogimochi
Anony Mouse: vonebarn gravithishi
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: he is reary good player
.:Rnd`=-[r-B]»UP§«GravityShi: yomo your doing it
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: no reason killing
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: gravity
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: stop
.:Rnd`=-[r-B]»UP§«GravityShi: yomo stfu
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: u to
.:Rnd`=-[r-B]»UP§«GravityShi: im doing shit
Giving aolflash2 a weapon_deagle
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: ok have fun shit
aolflash2 was killed by prop_vehicle_jeep
Warning: killicon not found 'prop_vehicle_jeep'
[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
*DEAD* aolflash2: wtf
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: -AH- = Fail community. Only allowd chimpanzee. and Yi-Zen is spamming in flood.
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: -AH- = Fail community. Only allowd chimpanzee. and Yi-Zen is spamming in flood.
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: -AH- = Fail community. Only allowd chimpanzee. and Yi-Zen is spamming in flood.
Anony Mouse: lets report her yomo
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: ya
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: no reason atacking :)
•§hëëpš_Åhôlÿ• removed gmod_wire_textscreen
.:Rnd`=-[r-B]»UP§«GravityShi: yomo can you stop accusing me of prop killing when i havent killed you once?
mkivdriv3r *phear* was killed by entityflame
Warning: killicon not found 'entityflame'
aolflash2: lol whats the point of hitting a barrel with the crowbar
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: speak japanese
Duplicator undone
Prop undone
Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:.  -Build|Tick100|Fast DL- Latest Wire/Phx/Pewpew !
To view rules and/or a list of our servers and affiliates, type !rulez in chat!
Anony Mouse: speak japanese
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi was killed by worldspawn
*DEAD* .:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: ya
gt600 was killed by entityflame
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: i cant understund yorr speak lang
mkivdriv3r *phear* was killed by prop_physics
aolflash2 was killed by prop_physics
Anony Mouse: everyone please speak japan
Prop undone
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: maybe... u speak...
Anony Mouse: this is japan server
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: korean?
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomogimochi: ya welcome to
aolflash2: why do i have so many errors
.:Rnd`=-[r-B]»UP§«GravityShi: get PHX3
Anony Mouse: because your an error man

Approved Respected Apps / >>>>>UPS<<<<<Steam group
« on: April 28, 2010, 12:34:27 PM »
this is just a clan for events on Rnd servers like Winter survival Day
and F1 day as such

any way Add me on steam if you want to join im Panix16
you can find me mainly at Wirebuild/ZS/WS
and  some times TTT

any way if you want to join il be there waiting(not literately)

cheers Bya

By Asher/gravityshifta/bird flu

Approved Respected Apps / About Asher/shifta/birdflu
« on: April 28, 2010, 12:29:08 AM »
heya guys I'm just gonna talk about me here , mostly in Iraq

Real name:Asher/ashley llunnet

k i first joined the army about 5 years ago 2004
went on real time war training(pain ball but with rubber bullets and power maxed to real guns
i served 3 years before i was injured getting back home
the wound was a 30cal bullet(MASSIVE)And it pierced my hand and hit my leg
went to to hospital the same day , got out with in 24 hours

recent:kidney failure 16/3/2010(I'm on the donor list if the anti bioethics don't work)
           ran over by a car(walked home) 12/11/2010
           dumped my boy friend for cheating
           ran around Paris 26/1/2010
           Found out that i have a bullet in my kidney 14/11/2010

Still to come: having a operation to remove the bullet (done also in pain from it)
                     receive more request to join the army

By Asher/shifta/birdflu

cya boys 'n' girls

Boneyard / flood glitchers
« on: March 26, 2010, 09:36:51 AM »
ok there are some glitchers on the flood server

name one: ninja assassin

name two: *noc* stabbi

you can ask doeni for more info or message me
please ban them

cheers bye

General Chat / My Mini City-by asher
« on: March 03, 2010, 11:56:51 AM »
This is my Mini city for y friends from RND


Community Admin Apps / Admin apply
« on: February 13, 2010, 06:40:17 AM »
i made a new app you can just spamm here
here the  HTTP,3626.0.html

Help/Requests / repected abuse
« on: October 10, 2009, 09:41:00 AM »
Hi RND users

today i was kicked from the build server for en stating a rule English Speaking only and war kept calling me racist, i asked nicely
and then he vote kicked me

the abuse was warstriker
sorry i cant get a Steam id


-PS-just his repected removed thanks

Help/Requests / Server Addon requestings
« on: October 10, 2009, 09:28:52 AM »
this topic is for addon requests this well be for-filling your addon needs

thanks Vineyruler (Birdflu)

-PS-dont ask for nude addons you PRIVES

General Chat / English server or not
« on: October 10, 2009, 09:23:54 AM »
this is to determine whether the server should be English speaking only or not........yes English only other langs not just English

thanks Birdflu

 its me <<UPS>>Asher "sharpy"
respected member on the build server as i play there ALOT and if your wondering what does the UPS stand for it means "United Pot Smokers 8)" and not the shiping company U.P.S.

my in-game name is <<UPS>>Asher "sharpy"
and my ID is :<<UPS>>Asher "sharpy"" STEAM_0:1:9893288 07:46 264 0 active

 :)cheers :)

EDIT: thanks minic and mingebagger ,
building hobbies: lights,processes,
Favorite server:RND building server,
other favorite games:BF2142,
Im heading for game testing in the future or going to work with Valve which can lead to new games etc.

Hope this does it all cheers

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