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Topics - Kazunapl

Pages: [1]
Approved Respected Apps / hai all my name is Kazunapl
« on: March 05, 2010, 02:24:17 AM »
hi guys my name is Kazuna but you can talk to me kaz, I'm from Poland (i guess I'm first guy from that country :3) I'm good at English (you can see) i HAVE ORIGINAL GMOD (before i have stupid pac steam but i end witch him) also orange box.
Age:umm i finish 13 in this 13 march
country: Poland
hobbies: computer games
Playtime: all my times is random i don't know when i sit and when i play on computer (4 brothers that's why)
somethink more? well........... even i look that's all
bai all

PS i hate download new tools for yours server can someone give me list of addons? pleasee mah speed download IS SLOOOOOOOW a moar slow than turtle...........

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