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Topics - Csirke

Pages: [1]
Approved Respected Apps / Csirke. I'm Back ^^
« on: November 01, 2009, 01:15:31 PM »
Im Csirke. My favoruite Server is Random Flood server because i like making Boats  :). Other Random servers i like: Every Random server xD on Sandbox i like making House or base, sometimes Rocket, etc. I want respected for kick or ban players whos Glitching or Bugging. My favourite games: CoD4, Cod2, WoW, G-mod. I like make everithing. Im from Hungary, Im old 13.I like Rock and my favourite TV channel is Discovery Channel, and i like Football, and Running.My favourite Food is Pizza, and my favourite drink is coke. My favourite Fast Food restaurant is KFC. I dont like Burger King. I think Random servers are BEST! My favourite game mods: G-mod: Flood, sandbox. Cod: TDM,DM. In wow, i have an LvL 70 Fullepic  4/5 T5 Blood Elf mage, an LvL 70 Blood Elf Death knight.My favourite animal is Dog. The End :d

Approved Respected Apps / Csirke
« on: September 16, 2009, 05:22:40 AM »
Hi all, my name is Csirke ( Not C.Strike ;)) i play always on Garry's random's server because it is the kingest server ever  8) Im from hungary.Random servers are king! 8)

Love, Csirke  8)

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