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Topics - Peetah

Pages: [1]
Anime/Manga Discussion / Anime North TORONTO 2010 (THE REST)
« on: May 30, 2010, 06:03:22 PM »
Back from a 3 day Anime Con in TORONTO!
Mmm like to share some Pics I got with the Anime comunity of RND.
Its in HD so enjoy!!!

Anime/Manga Discussion / Anime North TORONTO 2010 (WOMEN)
« on: May 30, 2010, 05:34:22 PM »
These are some Pictures uncle Peetah brought back from Anime North.
Have fun "GUYS". Girls not allowed!
IN HD!!!

[spoiler]I got a HUG from them ALL :'D[/spoiler]

General Chat / Any one here play SPORTS?
« on: April 28, 2010, 02:38:44 PM »
Just wanted to see if any forum members played sports.
The sports I play are:

4th place in Toronto. Mens Singles

5th Place. Mens doubles.

Not sure what rank.

Yes I am really good at asian sports for some reason.

General / ATI or Nvidia
« on: April 18, 2010, 07:30:30 AM »
I dont know y this was not made yet!
SO, I shall make it.

Personaly, working in a computer store in downtown Toronto "If anyone cared p.p". I prefer ATI. For its reputation of being better then its competitor Nvidia
(in Power Consumption, Temperatures, Die Size, Price.)
In raw power anyways Nvidia takes it. I should add that this is not a pure fact but a trend. Were most of the time Nvidia cards would use up to 50-100 Watts more. About 20 degrees (Celsius) hotter "Due to higher clocks". And cost meh 50 bucks more Canadian.

Ok so im currently running an ATI 5850 1gb. Cost about $300 (Canadian).

This is all my Opinion, and some stuff I noticed at the shop.

Server Requests/Suggestions / Semi-Genius Idea.
« on: April 16, 2010, 08:10:20 PM »
You know what we should do HUH?
Ok just thought this up half a second ago.
SO. Me being a "HARDCORE" Wirebuild player. Its really sad when the server is broken :(. (net CONVAR.)

As a solution. I think we should intergrate a command system into Global Chat.
A pre-programed command that makes it so you can (remotely restart a server) as an example.
So they say /gl ! Alleluia. And then BAM. Wire server resets itself. And everyone lives happily ever after.

Obvious senerio.
I try to join wirebuild. OMG CONVAR. (That means stuck at retrieving info.)
I go too flood. Through global chat I type. /gl ! Alleluia. Server then resets itself. And Everyone can now join.

T make this happen. I think we should introduce a VIP rank like other ppl suggested. So Owners, Admins, and VIP can use this command. This is very helpful.

For other WireBuild servers I would like the know what you guys think about this.

Games / Activision. It is now over for them.
« on: April 15, 2010, 06:05:17 PM »
SO. I heard this very very interesting new just recently. And I wanted to share with you guys :).
SO. As you all heard about Acti and IW breakup. Well... IW has now joined up with there former rival. EA.
SO. Acti got the money. And so does EA. But Acti does now have there full right with the Cod series. Making that Acti's only desent game.
SO it is now over for Activision so fuck you Activision.
and mmm thats all.

have a nice day.

Games / Owners of Battlefield Bad company 2 report here.
« on: March 20, 2010, 06:44:34 AM »
So I pre-ordered the game awhile back and I must say its owns Mw2 hand down :D
If any of you have bought the game plz add me "Peetah" PC.

Here are some screen shot of some of my games :D

lol tank

Boneyard / Very Sorry Yomo
« on: March 19, 2010, 07:30:17 AM »
so sorry yomo plz read my apology letter on the next page.  :'(

Community Admin Apps / Peetah's attempt to be Admin
« on: March 01, 2010, 06:06:44 PM »
Name: Peter Nguyen (They call meh "Peetah" p.p)
Location of house: Canada, Toronto (Yes I am an imigrant to Canada. (Good place I must say!))
Age: 17
Friends: Nobody  :'(
Skills: E2, Lua, C, C#, C++, and Java yesssss.
Server I play on: I am Like hardcore Wirebuild player right so I play on it alot.

Sorry if its a bit short :/ cant realy type alot. New to English you know. (Spell check my best friend :D)

My Life story...
So I was born right? I am of Half Switzerland and half Vietnamese. At the age of mmm 13 i think. Was the year I came to Canada. My parents idk only stayed for 1 year.
So yeah I was like 14 living with my best friends house. Now we are in big school and he has his own small house. I AM STILL LIVING WITH HIM.
Life in Canada is very nice, the only thing I have to worry about is Money, School, and food. I make the Lunch and Dinner for the house cause I rent his home for free.
For Money I work at a store called Canada computers part time, Very nice store! It is very easy I only make instant noodles. It is very
good cause hes Asian too and he like noodles. When I came to Canada I knew 0 English. Look were I am now! I am very proud.
So then I desided to write this and now we are here!

By your good old pal -Peetah-

Approved Respected Apps / peetah wants to join the clan
« on: September 09, 2009, 04:13:44 PM »
ok i wanna join the clan. hope you guys welcome me xd

i wish anyone thats reading this a happy gmod experiance 8)

Approved Respected Apps / New member Peetah
« on: August 25, 2009, 08:19:07 AM »
So Ive been hearing about this forum for quite some time ago.
And today I finally decided to join it.
I love Computers and building stuff. So i guess garry's mod is perfect for me.
I love all the rANdOm servers and is 99 percent of the time in the wireconstruct one.
Feel free to add me on steam and xfire (Peetah16)
Hope we meet one day. :-\

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