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Topics - L e o

Pages: [1]
Approved Respected Apps / L e o
« on: September 18, 2009, 08:44:02 PM »
Hello my nick name on gary's mod is L e o.

I am educated in expressions 1 and learn more and more of 2.
I enjoy making realistic vehicles or setting up props with a background for humorous screen shots.
I am aware how to use wire mod, and most often if not always use the phx add-on.
I frown upon minging, such as spammers ( items and text ), ruining other peoples creativity, and anything that sends off bad vibes.
I've been with the source engine sense it was released and have done minutiae coding for it, such as early voteing systems ( now useless due to updates)

I am also wondering/asking if i could gain Respected status for G.mod as it would help me immensely when working with the realism i try to put into my vehicles.
People know me who are regulars as well as already respected and from what i can tell enjoy my company and ideas i put forth.

Again i don't play a lot due to my hectic schedule but i will pop in from time to time for a few hours.

Hello My name is L e o (Joe)

I'm from north America,
I'm 17
and am a computer geek.

Thank you,
L e o

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