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Topics - PaPaGaLa

Pages: [1]
Approved Respected Apps / Joining steam group
« on: August 24, 2009, 12:09:43 AM »
Hello. I want to join the steam group. Information - Im from Bulgaria. I speak good english too. I enjoy playing gmod, cod4, css and half-life (plus 2 and the episodes). I like you'r servers.

Steam: papagala_tf2 (my old one got hacked...)

Yeah i know im posting again, but i have some problems whit steam and look's like im not respected now. Well as information my nickname is PaPaGaLa, my real name is Anatoli. I like playing basketball (sorry if spelling it bad...). In my free time i play on random servers. Just to know i want to be respected (Other info. you know from my last post)

Edit: Minic - Merged Posts.

Approved Respected Apps / Respected Request
« on: April 08, 2009, 02:40:58 AM »
Hello i was playing in the servers and i found about that u need to be respected so i wanna be respected my nick isn't papagala its change " Alpha | PaPaGaLa "  : :)

Pages: [1]