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Topics - Triplekill

Pages: [1]
Games / Modern Warfare 2!!!
« on: March 13, 2010, 09:50:28 PM »
My thoughts on Modern Warfare 2,

Pro's: Perk Building and the way to customize your perks and what not, Also more guns avalible then CoD4

Con's: No deticated servers, A crap load of hackers and the ways of being really cheap with some akimbo weapons like G18 scrubs (god those piss me off)

I like the game in all but just playing a TDM or Hard core shit then there be a crap load of hackers makes me wish i could take that money back i spent on the game, If they release patches and what not to stop the hackers the game will be alot better but i dont see that happening for awhile now since what activison and infinity ward are going through right now... Also the lack of vac detection on there it would be better if vac or if they put something in the game that wouldnt allow hacking programs and what not to enter the game.

Thats my take on the game in all honesty the game was a waste of money for the pc if i bought it on the xbox it would have been a great buy :)

Approved Respected Apps / Hey Guys, Im Triple/Koda
« on: March 13, 2010, 07:00:39 AM »
Hey Whats up peeps. Names Triplekill,Koda,Kodabear

Im 17years old, Been playing Gmod for over a year and 1/2 i used to play on the servers nonstop I went under the names of Kodabear Koda triplekill and Terrain Man I used to be respected but of course got a new steam ID and lost it, I bought Gmod legit now so yay!

umm the old respected post that i made and got accepted,230.msg1377.html#msg1377

Well id like to get respected again and start playing more on the servers since i got legit ^^

Steam name: Aofguildaccount add if you want to

Thanks guys peace,

Approved Respected Apps / Respected Request
« on: March 22, 2009, 11:46:06 AM »
Hello My Name is Dakota or Dj,

Im 16 years old ive been playing gmod for about a few months now. ive been playing on rnd for about 2months under 2 names Triplekill and Terain Man i am requesting Respected to help others on the server. :) i know all the admins on the servers hito is meh best bud hehe. Ive been talking to people for how to become request or get a good status with rnd and today i finally got the guts to apply heh :P well what ever the decision is ill always stay on RND. Thank you for reading :)

Loyal Member,

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