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Topics - Jake

Pages: [1]
Boneyard / .:RND'=-[JP]Yomogimochi
« on: July 18, 2010, 03:04:04 PM »
This player has been a complete nusance ever since I met him, He constantly bombs me with his E2 bombs and always ends up banning me for 60 mins for no reason, The latest reason which occured at 3:03 PM Western North American time he had be kicked for calling him "Yomi" instead of "Yomo" and every time I go to the server I get banned by him, When I voteban him he always manages to bypass the ban by using some sort of hack, Please do something about him.

Help/Requests / Server uses different class tables error
« on: July 15, 2010, 03:52:51 PM »
Garry decided to do a small update and i guess it created an problem and now i cant connect to any of the servers. I get the error Server Uses Different Class Tables error, Update the server please!


Approved Respected Apps / My Introduction
« on: July 14, 2010, 02:02:02 AM »
Hello, I am Jake (Jake with an lambada A in game), I play on your server often, I do not spam at all, I can be trusted with respected tools, if something does happen to go wrong it is totally accidental and was not meant to cause any harm to anyone or the server.
I do not lag much, I live very close to the host (California) and get an avg ping of 40 to 100.
I like to make alot of large projects (big boats especialy)

I live in Santa Maria California, btw.

Sincerly Jake (RL Name Andrew)

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