Approved Respected Apps / Hello/Hope for respected
« on: June 26, 2010, 05:50:51 PM »
37jug is my steam I.D. I play on wireconstruct RC(I think that's what its called) most of the time. I play :Gmod, Half Life 2, Half life 2: Episode 1, Half life 2: Episode 2, and Portal.
I am 15 and never minge(I don't know what minge means but I am pretty sure I don't do it. If I don't get respected, could you please tell me what I did wrong or if I can try again or whatever. I can build stuff like cars and boats. I have beat Half Life 2 three times, Uh I own a laptop with a 864 MB graphics card or whatever its called. I also like my women as unattractive as possible if that matters at all. In conclusion, I am new and I have read all the rules and know left from right, I thank you for your time.
I am 15 and never minge(I don't know what minge means but I am pretty sure I don't do it. If I don't get respected, could you please tell me what I did wrong or if I can try again or whatever. I can build stuff like cars and boats. I have beat Half Life 2 three times, Uh I own a laptop with a 864 MB graphics card or whatever its called. I also like my women as unattractive as possible if that matters at all. In conclusion, I am new and I have read all the rules and know left from right, I thank you for your time.