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Topics - ledjohnny

Pages: [1]
General Chat / TTT scoreboard
« on: July 19, 2010, 07:22:25 PM »
Hey, this thread is for posting your scores in ttt preferably a screenshot  :) Here is mine.

Boneyard / Don rdming as a traitor need perma ban
« on: July 18, 2010, 04:33:19 PM »
Today I was playing ttt and Don kept rdming as teh traito this is making me really mad becaasse he keeps rdming me with teh nife and its mean so canz you bans him pleese.

Server Requests/Suggestions / Votekick/Voteban reason
« on: July 13, 2010, 05:40:21 PM »
Hey, I often experience votekicks as well as votebans and I have a quick little suggestion, now keep in mind that I play on ttt allot so most of these thoughts come from ttt. Okay so lets say your respected or not and you have been propkilled by someone being dead you are not allowed to talk to the living players so you decide to start a votekick or ban and the living players ask the question "Why?" and so they vote no and the propkiller gets off without punishment and can even continue to propkill, What I am suggesting is that underneath "Ban (or vote) player for (amount of time)" we have reason: (user submitted reason) eg:propkilling. I am not sure that this has been mentioned before, I have not found it while reading, If it has moderators feel free to remove or lock this post.
Thanks  :)

General / Clearwire and performance
« on: July 05, 2010, 01:42:55 PM »
Hey, I was thinking about switching from at and nazi t to clearwire and I have read some mixed reviews about it. I was just wondering if someone could tell me from personal experience what its like eg: torrent throttling, latency, general problems. I already know that latency will increase but i would just like to read some personal results with them.

Boneyard / Marked one kia abusing respected
« on: July 05, 2010, 01:17:01 PM »
I was playing on ttt today on the map lost temple so we slid down the slide and me and another player became stuck in each other. Another player who goes by "turd fergusin" killed the other player who was stuck in me and walked away without identifying the body so i preceded to kill him as I thought he was traitor, I almost killed him when Marked one kia came up to me and killed me, realizing that I was innocent he started a vote ban as seen here

I was trying to explain my side of the story to him but it was almost as if he muted me. Also arggg was there so he may be able to say something

General / Dreamweaver menu bar
« on: July 03, 2010, 09:12:03 AM »
I made a pretty cool menu bar in photoshop that lights up when selected, so pretty much a rollover image but i want the menu buttons in the middle with the whole bar spanning across the page. So what i do is make a table that 100% wide and then add my menu in the middle and center them. Next i add a background to the table in css and the result is this

As you can see the background starts to repeat which cause that line at the bottom. I have made sure that the border is set to 0 for the table and both the menu buttons and background are the same resolution 103x25. I also have to add an adsense search engine to the table as well.

Forum/Website Suggestions / Smf4iphone is disfunctional!
« on: July 02, 2010, 10:27:56 PM »
Currently using my iPhone to tell you that the smf4iphone addon is not automatically selecting the theme anymore. Just thought I'd let ya know

Approved Respected Apps / ledjohnny respected application.
« on: July 02, 2010, 09:53:56 AM »
Hey, My name is John but I go by ledjohnny when ever I play. You may think of me as a kid with disciplinary issues when he can't stop rdming, I would not and will not care if you still think of me as this. To start off,
Steam username:ledjohnny
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:18259561
Birthday:September 5, 1994
School Grade:Going to be a sophmore  in high school :)
Favorite subjects:Science, Technology classes, History
Games: CoD WaW Nazi Zombies!, L4D2, Gmod, CSS, DoD:S, GTA 4, SWAT 4, Legend of Zelda games all!
Hobbies: Airsoft (actually made my own airsoft gun), Computer maintenance, Vacationing, torrent uploader
Pets: 2 Dogs

1 cat, used to have a hamster, fish
skills: HTML, CSS, Computer Maintenance and repair, Comptia A+ certified, Also went to Skills USA, organization of school LAN events, own a website, applying for YouTube partnership
I hope that everyone takes time to look at this application, I would rather help out in the community then be a minge.

So according to some other players (eg. imasillypiggy and tiger guy) there is a weapon that is avaliable to traitors called the suicide bomb or at least that is what it does lol, to me that sound bad ass  :) and i also think this shall bring more players as well!

Boneyard / Banned for no reason by Deathward
« on: June 22, 2010, 01:55:44 PM »
Well just 2 minutes ago i was banned by vote for 60 minutes for killing myself with a prop by deathward and according to kragmoor i will be expecting a perma ban from deathward as well. Why? Enjoy my evidence in 1920x1080

Everyone know's that your going to go around RDM'ing at the last round, or if your karme gets too low, like you always do.

Ok so i can just go around assuming that people will rdm? So that how you get respected here.  :-\

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