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Topics - Shitty_Dude

Pages: [1]
Approved Respected Apps / Hi there.
« on: June 06, 2010, 04:41:33 AM »
Hi, I'm Shitty_Dude. I enjoy playing computer games and video games. I also make some youtube videos, but only from the xbox 360 video games. I recently started using steam to play with my friends. I have had some trouble finding a game with the least lag as possible. One day i managed to get into your wirebuild server which I enjoy alot. The users in it are very friendly and helpful. However this servers prevent me from using certain tools which only admins and respected can use. I hope that I can be a respected so that I can use the tools and have great fun with the other players in the serever without being jealous that they have certain tools I don't.

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