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Topics - mtvcribs27

Pages: [1]
Approved Respected Apps / plz respect me
« on: May 13, 2010, 05:41:26 PM »
this is slap_ya_daddy ok i go on severs an people just meinge all the time an people always complain to get a rnd on there an i said i will go try geting respected an do the job for the sever or severs so i can help out others an so the severs can be fun an sometimes no prop pushers i rely think i would be good at the job i rely want to be respected an people say to me i can be a rnd sometimes like a bit ago this kid said to i can be an rnd

i think i would be good at the job plz people i want the job i will do it right ban kick when ever it needs to be done i will do it right plz  i help out lots of people an some people like me so im asking yall plz can i get respected i will do the job right thx one more thing my fav sever is wirebuild thx  : ;)

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