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Topics - ufc245

Pages: [1]
General Chat / servers r down why?
« on: July 08, 2010, 07:52:55 PM »
What is with the servers?:'(when r they going to be back on line?

Approved Respected Apps / respected
« on: May 13, 2010, 03:11:35 AM »
Name: crankthat

i always go on flood and sometimes on wire build and ttt this game is cool i love flood its fun but i am not that good at it i never win the fights but i still go on it cause i know one day i am going to get good at it and wire build i like building cars well try any way that is a cool sever to i like seeing other peps build stuff they give me ides and i really want to try respected tools like the hover bored it is so cool i use to have that addon it would be cool if yall guys picked me to be respected it will be so cool if i get picked well on to ttt it is cool i love being the bad guy i like when it is me and other people go after the wrong person it is so funny 
 :D i hate being incounted i always die       

i think i should be respected because i would do a good job at it i would keep the sever fun but at the same time doing my job and there was this minge that push me off my boat in then he shot my boat when he was on it then he prop pushing ever bodey  and it would of benn nice if i could have kicked him

gmod is the only game i play  and i am from louisiana new Orleans i like football and pc and i love to be respected thx for takeing the time to read this

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