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Topics - Zombie

Pages: [1]
Approved Respected Apps / Rspected
« on: May 09, 2010, 01:28:12 PM »
My name is Nacho63988 but most of Random knows me as captin waffles I am friends with lots of respected people on the severs a lot know me I play flood a lot but i a teribly poor. Tats off topic though I would love to me respected so i can make official friends. Also Igot atacked by a minge who put about 10 mstoves on my boat and then hopped on when it tipped over and flipped me off then he pushed me off my own boat and it would have been realy nice if i could have kicked him. also would like too use balloons on the wire server because i wanted to show Raiyu somthing funny I am just hoping that you graciously let me be respected.

I Appreciate ur time
Sincerly Captin WAFFLES

PS: I hate Penis in my butt!!!

Approved Respected Apps / want 2 be respected
« on: May 04, 2010, 03:38:34 PM »
Hay my name is Zombie I was wondering if i could get respected cause ur random servers KICK BUTT anyway my friend RAIYU TOLD ME TO get respected so i took his advice and thats what i am trying to do hoping to get respected

Zombie ;)

Pages: [1]