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Topics - Hunter.Hg

Pages: [1]
Boneyard / Ban request
« on: May 03, 2010, 03:36:56 PM »

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:26393252
Information: Shooting the boat he spawned on several rounds. Multiple prop pushing and blocking
Server: Flood
Details: Hes has been making troubles almost everytime hes on. Im sure others had propblems to.
Witnesses: rjames39
When: 04-05-2010

Respected kick or ban just dont cut it anymore. He keeps making trouble everytime hes on. And hes big enough to do the crime but not big enough to admit it.

Approved Respected Apps / Respected Request.
« on: April 25, 2010, 05:59:42 PM »
I dont know if its to soon for me to do this considering i havent been member of the site for long. But i have played your server for 4 almost 5 months now so here it goes.

Game Name: Hunter.Hg //Really innovative and a name never to be seen before, extremely original i must say :P
Steam Username:martinlarsen706 //You must have a usernam so this was what i picked
Country: Denmark //This is the country where people like my self is born with absolutely no brain except the one between our legs.
Name: Martin //My parents decision
Age: 22 //Atleast im not closest to 30 yet
Work: Only when i want to :D //One of the advantages of having my own company.
Skills: Php/html/flash/photoshop/Lua and Java Programming
Married: No //I wouldnt have time to game then would i?
Kids: 0 //Im aint going to get any at the momment but some day i wanna have some small computer nerds:P

Reasons why I should get this position:
1. Im not just a retard like everyone else is im like a new kind of super retard but im also fair and play by the rulez,
2. You guys got the most awesome server and players.
3. I am Serious when i need to be so.
4. Il tell mommy if u reject me :D
5. Im aint going to abuse it.

I hope to be able to give something back to this comunity cause i have gained so much from it.

Best Regards Hunter.Hg

Peace mates!

Approved Respected Apps / Hunter.Hg
« on: April 22, 2010, 09:56:42 PM »
Hey im Martin

Im from denmark and play regular on your flood server.

Im 22 and extremely bored:P

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