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Topics - masshuu

Pages: [1]
General Chat / Dex is an epic RDMer
« on: July 21, 2010, 02:18:47 PM »

picture is worth a thousand words :p
Look at that, 0 karma. thats like 100% damage reduction.

Games / Operation Flashpoint: Dragons Rising
« on: March 27, 2010, 10:54:02 PM »
this has got to be the hardest fps in the world. I realize its actual simulation, and not arcade like most fps out there, but when i say hard, i mean hard.
I'm still trying to get to the SAM site for the preemptive strike before the main fleet hits the island.
I sometimes spend 20 minutes moving 100 yards, just to die O.o

and then theres the gunships
talk about impossible :/

anyways i love the game so much. Anyone else play it? have any tips?

Approved Respected Apps / Hi peeps
« on: March 27, 2010, 02:20:27 PM »
Hello, popping in so i can ask for respected. My real name is Matthew Cash, yes i am Mr. Cash :D
My nick is a modification of eastern pronunciation of my name, i made it several years back when i decided supermatthew doesn't fit a 17 year old(i am 19 now). I used the previous name since 2004.
I'm on garrysmod just about anytime between noon and 2AM, (Central Time -06:00), although i do play other games during this time.
I have been playing garrysmod since December 09. I don't currently have a job, i just have school once a week, so i have a lot of free time.
I usually play on flood, but ive been trying out other random servers
Generally in that free time, i play various games, watch tv shows, make bread, or program random stuff.
Games i currently play often are:
Operation Flashpoint: Dragons Rising
Zombie Panic: Source

TV shows i watch(not necessarily on tv, i get series through netflix)
various animes
stargate series(watching SGA right now)

Breads i make:
cinnamon rolls(they are the best ever)
various other breads that are plain, or have a slight flavor to them
various breads with nuts in them
I don't use any specific recipes, but i make all my breads by hand and with yeast, the only tools i use are a bowl, a fork, a cookie sheet, measuring cup, and a stove. no mixer, no bread maker, no fancy tools.

Programing languages i'm good at:

Programing languages i know(but not necessarily good at/rusty as hell)

I am currently going to school for networking.

SteamID: masshuu
Birthday: August 21
Education: High school diploma, almost 1 year of collage so far

Games: to many to list and many that no longer run on my machine(there 16bit, i have 64 bit windows 7), ones that i have installed and playable, including above: all 3 Crysis games, portal, TF2, HL2 and EP1 and 2, CS:S
Location: Texas

Server Requests/Suggestions / Flood idea
« on: March 27, 2010, 12:59:56 PM »
I think it would be nice to have a button or command that make your boat nocolide with all the other players.
Ive had countless rounds were 2-5 minges at the end of the round won't jump off my boat and stay on it for 2-4 minutes, and i think somthing like that would be neat.

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