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Topics - XeroX

Pages: [1]
General Chat / you guys should go on flood.
« on: July 09, 2010, 11:20:20 AM »
no one is on  :(

Community Admin Apps / ADMIN APP
« on: July 06, 2010, 03:00:10 AM »
I was gonna wait on this, as even though I have been on several months, and been respected several months, and aside from a few incidents, i was content simply being respected.

That has changed...

today, at 1:30 AM PST, i went onto flood, and was greeted by several uncooperative russians and a few others. I experienced the occurence of you being the only one to build a boat while everyone jumps on it and pushes you off several rounds in a row. after yelling "JUMP" too much, and trying to kick. (they blocked the vote). so as this progressed, many of the russians left,  but they were replaced by other trolls, doing much the same thing, only also proppushing and shoting the boat they were on.  there were too many to kick, and even if i managed to get one nominated, his freinds would save him.

this is only the most recent in a long list of similar events that have been happening more and more frequently on Flood.
To my knowledge, there are very few admins who are on flood regularly, and since I play frequently, and enjoy the game very much, I was wondering if...

I could become a rANdOm admin.

Name: Calvin
Steam Name: .:RND--{XeroX}--
Age: 15
Location: Northern California
Interests: Computers, engineering, nature, women  ;), sci-fi, weed  8)
Reason: Consistent de-trolling of Flood


Why I should be an admin:
To keep minges from minging up flood with their crowds.
To let the other admins on other channels relax a bit, and let them stay on their own servers when the minges come.

I know I don't have a high postcount but:
I have been becoming more and more active, and intend to stay that way.

any questions you have can be answered.

Server Requests/Suggestions / Making a map for flood
« on: July 05, 2010, 08:57:51 PM »
I'm trying to make a map for our flood server, and got a basic idea of the specifications from this:
But are there any additional requirements/suggestions unique to our server?

Artwork/Graphics / Photoshop Effects
« on: June 19, 2010, 08:56:56 AM »
A List Of my recet photoshop pieces, all created purely with the content of the original photos (no drawing/splicing from other photos)

First Try

Take 2

Take 3

« on: June 18, 2010, 07:22:09 PM »
This thread is for bitching about the minges on flood. No permaban requests, just bitching.

Lets Get Started:
Crit Nick is a Douche

Flood Mod Server / Some Very Serious Problems
« on: June 11, 2010, 11:58:58 AM »
The Redesign of the Flood Money Distribution Has Greatly Affected the Game in a negative way.  While I realize that It was changed to prevent Money Rounding, The Problems outweigh the benefits. The Main Problems Are:

1.  Since It takes a fair amount of wealth to be able to build a boat to win the round, And very little money is earned outside of winning the round in time, It is very hard for new players to accrue wealth. thus, "making the rich richer, and the poor poorer".

2.  It is No longer profitable to build boats unless you are the "biggest fish in the sea". Previously, even If you did not win, you could still get a reasonable amount of money by staying afloat for long enough, which could help compensate for building a boat. Now, if you take the risk of building a large boat, and do not win, you lose a fair amount of money, which discourages boat building.

3. Those Two Problems together lead to one rich player building a large boat, and no one fighting him, because if they lost, they would lose all their money. but the rich can afford to lose a round. so one rich guy builds a large boat unopposed, and everyone hops on for some measly cash. Exactly the situation this fix was trying to avoid.

Please Revert the Money Distribution System For the Flood Server.

All for, put  :)
all against, put  :(

Hello, I am OSHIT, and I play on the rANdOm flood server. I have been playing actively for several weeks now, and I am confident many other players could vouch for my "not a troll" status.  This is one of my favorite communities, however there have been many times when i have been on the server, without a Respected, and had to deal with many a minge, unable to kick or ban. It is for this reason that I would want Respected Status. my steam name is cndyjoe, for reference.

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