Boneyard / ban grombom
« on: November 21, 2009, 04:26:55 AM »
Guys i want grombom or what it's his name baned please he's a verry big noob
and i hate him.
Wana know what he's doing?First thing:hes holding the round with other russians and take a look at this:
*DEAD* .:RND`=-Master chief: I SAID FUCKING NOW
*DEAD* .:RND`=-Master chief: ok im call minic the admin to ban you all
gromob: we dont jump ha ha
*DEAD* .:RND`=-Master chief: ok im gonna record
see?he need to be banned please i rly want him banned.
thanks for reading and a admin plz ban him have a nice day

Wana know what he's doing?First thing:hes holding the round with other russians and take a look at this:
*DEAD* .:RND`=-Master chief: I SAID FUCKING NOW
*DEAD* .:RND`=-Master chief: ok im call minic the admin to ban you all
gromob: we dont jump ha ha
*DEAD* .:RND`=-Master chief: ok im gonna record
see?he need to be banned please i rly want him banned.
thanks for reading and a admin plz ban him have a nice day