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Messages - Mr.Bubbles

Pages: [1]
Boneyard / Re: This guy keeps bitching about my music [sabbathfreak911]
« on: November 16, 2009, 01:25:57 PM »

sabbathfreak911: whats your reason for kicking him
sabbathfreak911: i want your reason recorded in his video pl0x
.:RND '=-sonicthesuper4: 0_0
sabbathfreak911: if you dont itll just make you seem more so guilty
sabbathfreak911: LOL
sabbathfreak911: Sonic i can explain... LOL
.:RND '=-sonicthesuper4: =/
sabbathfreak911: Zacky lets both report him
.:RND '=-sonicthesuper4: go on
sabbathfreak911: Zacky you make a thread on the forum and ill bitch on it too lol
.:RND '=-sonicthesuper4: that hell was that
sabbathfreak911: Zonic Muffin tried kicking Zacky
ZackyHoomar: i don't start shit
.:RND '=-sonicthesuper4: me
sabbathfreak911: he did it because Zacky asked if we should kick Muffni
ZackyHoomar: i finish it
KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer:  got EOF instead of keyname in file models/cheeze/buttons/button_minus.mdl
mdlkeyvalue, (*prop_data*),
KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer:  got EOF instead of keyname in file models/cheeze/buttons/button_fire.mdl
mdlkeyvalue, (*prop_data*),
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: yea you got reported sabbath
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: good luck fucking bitching
sabbathfreak911: LOL
.:RND '=-sonicthesuper4: wow
sabbathfreak911: im reported for?
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: this is the twice this week
Player [?SNN] Noon has joined the game
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: you gotta fucking respect yourself
sabbathfreak911: you didnt report me before
sabbathfreak911: but i reported you
sabbathfreak911: with proof
sabbathfreak911: and i got more proof now
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: so?
sabbathfreak911: Bubbles you dumbass
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: i got proof too
Prop undone
.:RND '=-sonicthesuper4: wtf is going on???? 0_0
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: stop whining
sabbathfreak911: of me punchnig myself or something?
Prop undone
Prop undone
Prop undone
Prop undone
Prop undone
Prop undone
Prop undone
Prop undone
Prop undone
Prop undone
Prop undone
sabbathfreak911: Bubbles you should stop also
[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: stfu
sabbathfreak911: see
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: stop whining
sabbathfreak911: whinning
sabbathfreak911: You fail.
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: stuf
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: stfu
sabbathfreak911: lol fail
.:RND '=-sonicthesuper4: WTF IS GOING ON PLZ TELL ME 0_0
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: sonic, sabbath wont stuf
sabbathfreak911: Sonic Bubbles is mad again
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: stfu
sabbathfreak911: he got pissed cause i said immuted him
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: and its the twice this week
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: well you should keep your bad thoughts to yourself
.:RND '=-sonicthesuper4: 0_0
sabbathfreak911: .:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: yeah like no one wants to hear your whiny ass, sabbath,.
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: instead of fucking telling the person
sabbathfreak911: sabbathfreak911: Muted.ZackyHoomar: muted?sabbathfreak911: muted Bubbles i meanZackyHoomar: muted for what i can't hear
.:RND '=-sonicthesuper4: 0_0
sabbathfreak911: :RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: you dont need to let us know that, sabbathsabbathfreak911: Bubbles seriously i think you need
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: see? does he need to show us?
Prop undone
[SolidVote] .:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman initiated vote 'Kick player sabbathfreak911?'
sabbathfreak911: .:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: well you should keep your bad thoughts to yourself <-- LOL
sabbathfreak911: LOL!!!!!
.:RND '=-sonicthesuper4: wtf
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: just say yes..
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: hes annoying
[SolidVote] .:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman voted yes.
sabbathfreak911: RECORDED THIS TOO
Dieded4guy's props have been cleaned up
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: idc..
.:RND '=-sonicthesuper4: im not in it
sabbathfreak911: sry caps
[SolidVote] sabbathfreak911 voted no.
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: i have a reason to kick..
sabbathfreak911: being?
sabbathfreak911: what i said "muted"
sabbathfreak911: poor you
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: i hate minges..
Bad sequence (2047 out of 212 max) in GetSequenceLinearMotion() for model 'Humans\Group03\male_09.mdl'!
Bad sequence (2047 out of 212 max) in GetSequenceLinearMotion() for model 'Humans\Group03\male_09.mdl'!
Bad sequence (2047 out of 212 max) in GetSequenceLinearMotion() for model 'Humans\Group03\male_09.mdl'!
Bad sequence (2047 out of 212 max) in GetSequenceLinearMotion() for model 'Humans\Group03\male_09.mdl'!
Bad sequence (2047 out of 212 max) in GetSequenceLinearMotion() for model 'Humans\Group03\male_09.mdl'!
Bad sequence (2047 out of 212 max) in GetSequenceLinearMotion() for model 'Humans\Group03\male_09.mdl'!
Bad sequence (2047 out of 212 max) in GetSequenceLinearMotion() for model 'Humans\Group03\male_09.mdl'!
Bad sequence (2047 out of 212 max) in GetSequenceLinearMotion() for model 'Humans\Group03\male_09.mdl'!
Bad sequence (2047 out of 212 max) in GetSequenceLinearMotion() for model 'Humans\Group03\male_09.mdl'!
.:RND '=-sonicthesuper4: im not a minge
sabbathfreak911: you hate yourself? now youre breakign the respect yourself rule
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: you see how it feels when you say it?
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: you just felt it
.:RND '=-sonicthesuper4: 0_0
sabbathfreak911: btw Bubbles if you havent noticed those rules arent posted here, theyre on FLood
sabbathfreak911: lol fail
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: no, you fail
Player ZackyHoomar left the game (ZackyHoomar timed out)
sabbathfreak911: seriously you must be bellow 13, and you must be 13 to be respected
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: you made someone else feel bad and i made you the same
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: i am 13
[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
sabbathfreak911: really?
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: its my birthday today]
sabbathfreak911: short term memmory loss must be occuring then
Player .:RND '=-sonicthesuper4 left the game (Disconnect by user.)
[?SNN] Noon: Who spends their birthday on the computer? :|
Player .:RND '=-sonicthesuper4 has joined the game
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: im going to a party soon
sabbathfreak911: someone who loves to try to piss me off, aka a minge or a low life
sabbathfreak911: also, aka bubbles
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: i live in a mansion..
sabbathfreak911: KLOL!!!!!
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: i dont think thats low life
sabbathfreak911: DAMNand i just stopped recording
sabbathfreak911: hold on let me record again
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: you can record all you want
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: i have many proof
.:RND '=-sonicthesuper4: omg
sabbathfreak911: "low life" doesnt reffer to money you twat
.:RND '=-sonicthesuper4: hes recording
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: forget it
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: i dont wanna talk to you
ZackyHoomar's props have been cleaned up
.:RND '=-sonicthesuper4: me?
[SolidVote] .:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman initiated vote 'Kick player sabbathfreak911?'
sabbathfreak911: okay then dont, and if you dont want to why do you start fights
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: no, im talking to sabbath
sabbathfreak911: btw
[SolidVote] .:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman voted yes.
sabbathfreak911: i recoded trhat one too
.:RND '=-sonicthesuper4: oh
sabbathfreak911: so im going to report you a lot
.:RND '=-sonicthesuper4: wtf
sabbathfreak911: this one im not letting go
[SolidVote] sabbathfreak911 voted no.
.:RND '=-sonicthesuper4: im out for a bit
Player .:RND '=-sonicthesuper4 left the game (Disconnect by user.)
sabbathfreak911: okay, give the reason to the camera
sabbathfreak911: im waiting ego-boy
sabbathfreak911: mmkay so no reason
sabbathfreak911: good more proof for me
sabbathfreak911: admins are goign to liek this one!

Boneyard / This guy keeps bitching about my music [sabbathfreak911]
« on: November 16, 2009, 01:16:55 PM »

sabbathfreak911: Muted.
ZackyHoomar: muted?
sabbathfreak911: muted Bubbles i mean
ZackyHoomar: muted for what i can't hear anything
Disconnect: Buffer overflow in net message.

Host_EndGame: Buffer overflow in net message
Connecting to
Connected to

Map: freespace_revolution
Players: 3 / 14
Build: 3740
Server Number: 1

No pure server whitelist. sv_pure = 0
Lua initialized (Lua 5.1)
=== Loading EngineMod Menus ===
======== Installing Table (De)Serialiser Module | ver: 1.4 ========
Simple Prop Protection Version 1.51 by Spacetech has loaded
======== Beam NetVars Lib v0.71 Installed ========
loading materials
loading material: cable/rope_icon
loading material: cable/cable2
loading material: cable/xbeam
loading material: cable/redlaser
loading material: cable/blue_elec
loading material: cable/physbeam
loading material: cable/hydra
loading material: arrowire/arrowire
loading material: arrowire/arrowire2
=== Loading Wire Model Packs ===
   Loaded: PHXWireModels.txt
   Loaded: default.txt
   Loaded: expression2.txt
   Loaded: cheeze_buttons2.txt
   Loaded: wire_model_pack_1.txt
   Loaded: wire_model_pack_1plus.txt
   Adding Cheeze's Buttons Pack
   Adding various Buttons from HL2 and Portal
   Jaanus' Thruster Pack
   Beer's Model pack
--- Missing Vgui material ignore_this_error
RunConsoleCommand blocked - sent before player spawned (sv_tags)
ERROR! Module 'zlib_b64' not found!
==== Advanced Duplicator v.1.72 shared module installed! ====
==== Advanced Duplicator v.1.741 client module installed! ====
Registering gamemode 'sandbox' derived from 'base'
[resource.AddFile] File materials\weapons\em_tool_repairIcon.vtf didn't exist!
[resource.AddFile] File materials\weapons\em_tool_repairIcon.vtf didn't exist!

Stacker Version 2.5 loaded.

Loading Wire Tools
--- Missing Vgui material texturemissing
--- Missing Vgui material hudindicator/hi_fullcircle
--- Missing Vgui material hudindicator/hi_semicircle
--- Missing Vgui material adv_hud/sci_fi_style_1
--- Missing Vgui material hudindicator/hi_fullcircle
--- Missing Vgui material hudindicator/hi_semicircle
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_afkkicker.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_armor.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_burn.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_cleardecals.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_exformat.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_explode.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_freeze.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_gimp.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_god.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_health.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_jail.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_kill.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_map.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_maul.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_noclip.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_notice.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_pickupplayers.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_ragdoll.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_rocket.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_sandbox_limits.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_sandbox_options.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_sandbox_spamprotect.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_sandbox_toollimit.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_slap.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_speed.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_teleport.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_voicemute.lua
AssVote Init

ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_vote.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_weapons.lua
ERROR: Trying to derive entity sent_rg_bullet from non existant entity base_point!
Sending 1334 'User Info' ConVars to server (cl_spewuserinfoconvars to see)
Netchannel: failed reading message svc_UserMessage from
This server is running the Feign Death Script by Pac_187
Welcome To .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:.  -Build|Tick100|Fast DL- Latest Wire/Phx
(.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman) Dont mess with players props OR Mingy
Enjoy the Server
This server is running Ghost Script v1.8!
AdvDupeShared: Server Compression: false
===  Wire revision: 0     ===
=== Local Wire revision:0 ===
KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer:  got EOF instead of keyname in file models/cheeze/buttons/button_minus.mdl
mdlkeyvalue, (*prop_data*),
KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer:  got EOF instead of keyname in file models/cheeze/buttons/button_fire.mdl
mdlkeyvalue, (*prop_data*),
Redownloading all lightmaps
Player Dieded4guy has joined the game
Player Luis has joined the game
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: yeah like no one wants to hear your whiny ass, sabbath,.
noclip ON
sabbathfreak911: lol mature
sabbathfreak911: youre starting an aruement again wow
ZackyHoomar: no one wants to here music either
Prop undone
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: you dont need to let us know that, sabbath
sabbathfreak911: Bubbles seriously i think you need atleast a tiny bit of maturity to play here
sabbathfreak911: sure i do
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: look whos talking..
sabbathfreak911: it shows that you annoy people so why not
ZackyHoomar: muffin jsut shut up we can easily kick you 2 to one
sabbathfreak911: lmao
Player .:RND '=-sonicthesuper4 has joined the game
ZackyHoomar: sab wanna kick him
[SolidVote] .:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman initiated vote 'Kick player ZackyHoomar?'
sabbathfreak911: is he doesnt stop yea
sabbathfreak911: recorded
[SolidVote] ZackyHoomar voted no.
[SolidVote] .:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman voted yes.
Prop undone
[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
[SolidVote] sabbathfreak911 voted no.
sabbathfreak911: Muffin.
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: just dont talk to me.
sabbathfreak911: Im reporting again ;)
sabbathfreak911: mood swing much?
ZackyHoomar: lol
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: you know if you wanna paly  that way i can
sabbathfreak911: ?
sabbathfreak911: play what way
ZackyHoomar: damn what kinda gay s

Community Admin Apps / Me, Bubbles aka Muffinmanz!
« on: November 12, 2009, 06:01:37 PM »
Ya this is mah post for adminship or priveledges :D

Age: 13
How long playing gmod: probably almost 3 years :D
Location: USA, Minnesota
Knowledge: A medium bit of lua (50-60%), 2% of c#, 30% of expression, and 80% building :D
I like to ride mah skateboard to places, $300
I haz an electric guitar, $200.
School: I go  to middle school. :D
I'm tough on people sometimes, RND people i respect.
If you're not wearing the tag, i less respect you than the rnd users :p
I play on: 20% Flood, 20% Zombie Survival, 60% Wire Build, and 10% RP and Sledbuild.
I create many holos, vehicles, and weps :)
I play almost everyday.
I play alot of music for people to enjoy
Mah fav adminz: minic, moo, rooben/ruben,  and savagepimp.
"Failure is not an answer." - My new motto made by my favorite relative.
I respect most users.
People i like: tomcat, benw, pieguy,xstatic,and much more i havent forgotten.
People that i dont like :(...: sabbathfreak911, travis, and some others (probably 2 or 3 more.)
Nov 16 is my birthday.
I like football :)
I'm very happy i finally posted my application for admin.
I hope you accept, and i will accept you all back.

Boneyard / stupid sabbathfreaks
« on: November 03, 2009, 06:12:15 PM »
sabbathfreaks keeps spamming and going into my privacy. i keep telling him to gtfo but he keeps spawning beacons and jacking in.

i really need help

please can someone apply?

I AM being honest, i havent came back since school started.

I change named alot, so thats why you dont really see me that much

and yes, magik i seen you alot before

I live in minnesota, i love my aunts and uncles, my grandma is a pain, I like music, skateboarding, hip hop, techno, and probably some other more.

i have not much games, i used a patch so... :\ im cheap.
garrys mod
is my main game i play.

counter strike source is for my deathmatches.

I play alot of rp/darkrp, flood, and phx wire build.

i know lua
I learned it from a different web :P

I play music with my hldj.
I'm usually on flood or prop hunt.
hi ruben :D

Its nice for you to read this :)

I'm 13 years old, birthday is on november 16.

I love to play instruments :)

I skateboard sometimes.

no pets

I've been playing gmod for a year, veteran :D

I've played most of my time on this server, 8 months.

I hope you accept this. TY

Pages: [1]