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Messages - cookingboy3

Pages: [1]
Approved Respected Apps / Heeey
« on: October 22, 2009, 01:37:58 PM »
Hey! I'm new to the forums but not to the server, at least the flood one I keep getting kicked for this reason: Scatman jump! NObODY ELSE IS JUMPING!!!. I wanna be respected too. Thanks,
 :'(   8)   ;D   :D

Stuph abouts  ehs:

Gmod player: you gotta be kiddin me, DUH!, YES!
Fave random server: Ehh gotta say flood.
How much do you use random? (OMG i'm givein myself a q&a.-_-) A guess as long as I'm not kicked..

Are you admin on any server? Sadley, no. I always wanted tp be admin.   :(

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