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Messages - animediz

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Mapping / Re: zs_Tranquilty_Lane
« on: May 13, 2010, 12:12:21 PM »

Mapping / Re: ZS_Inversion PROGRESS
« on: March 17, 2010, 03:17:24 PM »
well whatever but its not a 9 key numpad anymore man. He can point hurt it with like 5 damage at least. Not kill. Good idea. :)

Mapping / Re: ZS_Inversion PROGRESS
« on: March 17, 2010, 01:39:14 PM »
its a really complex code. I doubt a code spammer can do it. It is a lot of combos. Plus what if i mess up? :)

Mapping / Re: zs_Tranquilty_Lane
« on: March 13, 2010, 04:45:23 PM »
ohhhhh noooo you forgot the crosswalk lmao!

Mapping / Re: ZS_Inversion PROGRESS
« on: March 11, 2010, 10:00:41 AM »
Name its really an easy code. Its 623, so go try it.

Mapping / Re: Sleepersoft's last map.
« on: March 11, 2010, 09:58:06 AM »
wont the vehicle damage the humans to? I think it would and that would be fail, nub gets vehicle. Nub runs us all down. :( Then I rage quit and cry in the closet. :( lol

Uhh solid idea tho. I think you should really have a different concept then your other death maps. I mean really? They are all repetitive and based off the same things. The cade rooms are the same in lab and trap. I would like to see some thing a little fresh.

Think about it

Mapping / Re: zs_auschwitz
« on: March 11, 2010, 09:51:33 AM »
Have a zombie spawn in the crematory. (where they burned peoples) Fail trap room in the "showers" so the humans can dies. :)

Good concept.

Mapping / Re: zs_Tranquilty_Lane
« on: March 11, 2010, 09:46:48 AM »
Way to take full credit for my idea sanders! your so pro! :)

(Not like I could of built it anyway lmao)

Mapping / Re: zs_hospital *Css Required*, Your opinion.
« on: March 11, 2010, 09:45:15 AM »
Yeah a hospital map has been done. check this out Its a good example of what you're going to be competeing with. this map is relativly fail. Like its missing alot on the reslease that shows what it is but its fail. So use it as a general guide. But good idea anyway, good luck.

Sorry if this is a late post

General Chat / so freaking long....
« on: December 20, 2009, 01:17:06 AM »
man its been forever since i have been herez. truthfully my computer is to crappy to enjoy really good games so im stuck actually doing more classwork and shitz. ftl!! Anyone misses me? i might start playing again, idk.

Need help killing the mingeys? I got your back.

Admin List and Introductions. / Re: Admin List.
« on: November 20, 2009, 09:35:23 PM »
well there are other admins just not playing anymore

Admin List and Introductions. / Re: Admin List.
« on: November 20, 2009, 11:58:07 AM »
Sniffles is an admin to, and he plays zs sometimes.

Community Admin Apps / Re: Me, Bubbles aka Muffinmanz!
« on: November 12, 2009, 11:32:31 PM »
gotta say zero. Good member. Likei tell all admin apps contribute to the community and try back in like a year. Give maps, lua, or anything interesting.

I should give a -1 cause you said savagepimp as an admins. He isnt an rnd admin

Edit:Btw add a poll or is worthless

Boneyard / Re: WTF !!! CommanderEddy got banned in STEAM ?!?!?!?!!?
« on: November 12, 2009, 09:09:27 AM »
Its like "Garry" getting on ther server and asking you to send him 100 bucks for his prototype for the new gmod. lol Did you really do that?

Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: FloodMod [Server Suggestions]
« on: November 12, 2009, 09:01:38 AM »
well i guess ruben you didnt see this cause it was not in the right catagorie but look at this.

 Dr. Doctor

Prop protection and more weapons
« on: November 07, 2009, 07:07:13 PM »

    * Quote

I am sick and tired of people jumping on my boat without authorization and shooting it, and i am sure that many others are as well.

Once, I went to a flood server that had this system that if you went on someones boat without their permission, you lost 25 HP and flew off the boat. Each user had a interface in the Q menu for allowing disallowing users. You could allow them on by ticking their tickbox, and their where also options for allowing them to build with your props, allowing people to collaborate and make large boats. I am not sure if it was a different game mode altogether, a plugin or what, but it sure was good at controlling minges. The effects of it would disappear after 30 seconds of round time, so you could jump on othe rpeoples boats when yours.......

Yeah so maybe look into what he was talking about. Making it only hurt for like 10 or so secs after round start so that way ppl are forced to create! this will make it more fun and then we can war!! :)

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