Approved Respected Apps / Hello There Guys :D
« on: September 07, 2009, 08:32:46 PM »
Hello Forum users
. I am Killover509 the origins of that name is uhm... the reverse of the world overkill XD but that's ok! I have been playing garrysmod for a while now about 6 months , but then i came across .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=: servers which i started to enjoy because it had no abusive admins
I am new here of course and i would like to reply for respected it would be really awesome
My Steam user name is: Killover509
My RND friends are Insuranceguy09 and Cable220 they both suggested that i join.

My RND friends are Insuranceguy09 and Cable220 they both suggested that i join.